Editor's Picks

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    This is the Day!

    Heavenly Father, I am overcome with gratitude today. Help me to see past the daily to consider the divine. This is the day … this one right here … that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I praise You for who You are and what You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    4 min read
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    Abundant Life—From Paradise Lost to Victory Found

    Ah, matey! Today, we set sail for abundant life on Paradise Island, where the winds be fair, the seas calm, and yer stay in port be an all-inclusive vacation, as it were. Here in New Providence, every need be met and desire delivered by the hand of Skipper. Amidst this lush resort, we find a […]

    21 min read

Darcie Fuqua

Darcie Fuqua is an Auburn Grad (War Eagle!), Youth Director, Christian writer, and mental wellness advocate. She is from the deep south of Alabama, where she currently resides with her husband, two energetic fun-loving boys, a beautiful niece, and a dog named Cinnamon. She loves sinking her toes in the sand, cuddling with her boys, and having great conversations over a table of good food. You can read more of her writing at www.leightonlane.com.