SD#129 Protecting Our Belief System - Denise Pass

Protecting Our Belief System

Protecting our belief system is difficult in a culture that is anti-Christian. We need to know what we believe and believe what we know in order to solidify our beliefs and impact the world around us.

As we wrap up a month of exploring how to maintain a biblical worldview, Denise shares 5 ways to protect this belief system as we face cultural pressure to abandon this perspective.

Need help changing the culture in your mind? Listen in to this episode from the Bible Tribe podcast: Changing the Culture in Our Mind.

Need hope? God is our hope but sometimes we can look for hope in the wrong places. Come and discover the hope that God has for us in the hard places in Denise’s book, Hope Reinvented, and an accompaniment devotional study guide for small groups, Discovering a Hope that Never Fails.

Hope Reinvented


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