Sermon: What does it mean to love not the world?

Sermon: What does it mean to love not the world?

Posted on June 2, 2014

 You cannot love the world and the word. You cannot chase things of the world and the word at the same time. The world takes people to hell, but the word of God takes people to heaven. Love not the world

Babatope Babalobi    +2348035897435

Bible commentary on love not the world

1 John 2 vs. 15love of the world

  1. You cannot love the world and the God at the same time
  2. Most of the things in the world distract us and take us away from the word
  3. Love of the world leads to hell, love of the word leads to heaven
  4. The world is full of sin, the word is holiness
  5. The world is carnally minded, the word is spirit and life
  6. The world is antichrist, the word is the Holy Spirit
  7. Spend more time studying the word rather than enjoying the world.
  8. Be filled with the word of God rather than things of the world.
  9. The world is about fashion, status, fame, consumerism, greed, materialism, technologies, position, selfishness and covetousness, and self survival.
  10. The word is about self control, meekness, humility, selflessness, care, charity, contentment and peace.

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