Shame Off Your Gifts - Denise Pass

Shame RX: The measure of a gift is the heart of the giver, not the gift itself.

1 Peter 4:10

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 

My kids like to tease me about some of the gifts I give them. They know my heart is to bless them, and I seek to know them well enough to get what they desire, but sometimes this bargain hunting momma can’t help it and can’t pass up a good deal. Let’s just say that some of the gifts I have given *might* not have been appreciated. Like the “momma jeans” I bought one of my precious girls. Designated as momma jeans because they um, lacked style. 

Have you ever felt the pressure building as the time comes for the gift you have given to be opened—you wonder . . . will it be enough?

Enough for what?! 

Enough for the recipient? Enough for the bystanders watching? Enough for the giver? And who determines whether a gift is “enough” and how is a gift is rated?

Shame. Again. Goodness. Just the act of giving is an act of grace and kindness. There should be no shame there. But shame lurks wherever there is an audience . . . unless we have stopped giving the audience that power to hold shame over our heads.

The measure of a gift is the heart of the giver, not the gift itself. When we give, we don’t do it for the audience, or at least I hope we don’t. We do it from a motivation of love, generosity and thoughtfulness. We can let go of man’s opinion of our gift when we keep in focus our intention in the giving of the gift.

It is so sweet to remember that we are merely stewards. Everything we have was given to us and we get to take what we have been given and share it with others. How cool is that? May we do so without shame. How people respond to a gift does not determine its value. In all we do, may we give for the glory of God!

Shame Off You this Christmas, friends!


Need to get rid of shame in your life? Join the Shame Off You Bible Study Mondays at 7pm ET.

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