Editor's Picks

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    Fighting the “Good Fight” in Marriage

    “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.” ‭‭(Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) One of my fun fitness activities in the past was taekwondo, a K…

    5 min read
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    Do You Want to Get Well?

    Five-year-old Brooke was sitting in the backseat of the minivan while her mom and I ran errands. “Mommy,” she asked, “Is it worse to pick a scab or pick a mosquito bite?” “You shouldn’t pick either one,” her mom replied. I glanced back at Brooke as she tried to wipe away the bloody evidence that she had done both. Read more...

    5 min read
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    The Best Buddies in the World

    Image generated via A.I. The five of us had been friends for as long as I can remember. I’ve joked over the years that we were so close we probably came from the same mother. Okay, so we didn’t loo…

    10 min read

Shirley Brosius

A former teacher and director of Christian education, Shirley Brosius is the author of Sisterhood of Faith: 365 Life-Changing Stories about Women Who Made a Difference and coauthor of Turning Guilt Trips into Joy Rides. She and her husband Bill enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles and watching “Jeopardy.” They have two married sons, five young-adult grandchildren and a daughter waiting in heaven. Shirley has memorized extensive passages of scripture including two books of the Bible: Philippians and Ruth. She is a member of Friends of the Heart, a speaking ministry that shares God’s love through messages and skits throughout the Eastern United States, although she no longer travels with the group.