Since When Did God Give His Toughest Battles to His Strongest Soldiers?
God is Omnipotent and so nothing is tough for Him. This quote addressing Him to look like a mere human isn’t Biblical. It’s wrong —so let’s put it in the right context and be inspired.
Jonny Cash said it right —Being a Christian isn’t for sissies. It takes a real man to live for God… In a world full of challenges, worries and pain of different degrees, we are pushed to find solace for our dying souls. We can be strong soldiers for Christ but first must acknowledge that the battle belongs to God. Let’s get it right here…
Unfortunately, some of us get misled by comforting or twisted words that do not glorify God. As sweet and inspiring as this quote, “God gives His toughest battles to his strongest soldiers,” sounds, it doesn’t give glory to God and has no reference to the scriptures.
In this case, making it an affirmative word in your life as a child of God is wrong. I believe after going through this post you will stop pondering on it and inculcating it in your life as a motivational message.
I’m here to explore in detail this very quote that a lot of Christians cite to encourage themselves in difficult times to move forward in life.
Who even came up with such a soothing, thought-provoking, and catchy quote? To the best of my knowledge, it isn’t attributed to anyone. Perhaps this person had a good intention of inspiring the children of God to stay strong during trials. But something doesn’t add up… When I take it through the lens of the Bible or Biblical principles, it does not portray the character, nature, and God’s purpose for His children.
Quickly, let me cite this verse:
“And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” —Romans 8:28
God indeed wants all things to work good for those who love Him. He does that by providing the strength, wisdom, and direction we need through the Holy Spirit.
Getting A Broader Understanding Of God’s Might
To say God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers is unscriptural and so this message shouldn’t be allowed to penetrate the minds and souls of Christians. It doesn’t send the right message to our hungry souls.
In all, it underscores the power of God. So say a big “No” to this godly-looking but wrongful connotation quote. In the proper words, I prefer it to be:
“God strengthens His Children through the toughest battles”
Your struggles aren’t so exceptionally bad, almost everyone you see out the nicely dressed in the streets have silent cries and battles.
Think about the afflictions of Job, a righteous man that God allowed him to go through the devil’s temptations. In the end, he came out triumphantly. Believe also that in the long run of your pain and suffering, you will also come out victorious.
As a child of God, be guided with wisdom and acknowledge and the fact that God is higher than the highs and the lows.
Before I go any future, let’s break it down by asking ourselves a few relevant questions;
1. Does God have battles?
According to the Bible, no one can contend with God. He is the Lord of Heavens’ Armies. He speaks or commands and things happen. Even one single powerful angel of the Lord can conquer the strongest enemy or obliterate an entire army of humans, demons, or any other creatures.
2. Does God have worthy rivals?
“With all my strength I will say, “O LORD, who can compare to you? You rescue the oppressed from those who try to overpower them; the oppressed and needy from those who try to rob them.” Psalm 35:10
God has no rival, there is no match for His power and majestic splendor. Even the highest angelic beings stand in awe (Psalm 89:7).
3. Is there anything too hard for God?
“‘Look, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too difficult for me?” —Jeremiah 32:27
Don’t ever think there is any mountain higher or stronger than God. In His presence, the mountains tremble, sinners perish, but the righteous rejoice.
4. Does God have soldiers?
Yes, the scriptures call believers soldiers of Jesus. In allusion, we must understand the challenges ahead of us as people recruited into the military. The battlefield and the weapons of battle are spiritual. The Lord is our commander, He also commands the Heavens Armies.
“You therefore must share in hardship, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier on duty entangles himself in the affairs of life, that he may please him who enrolled him as a soldier.” —2 Timothy 2:3-4
Our purpose is to please Him in everything we do. It isn’t a yardstick for you to sin out of your depression or trials. Obedience is a necessity for all who fear God.
Why then should anyone say God has tough battles that He should give to His strongest soldiers? It doesn’t make sense to think God has a difficult task to relinquish. Nothing is difficult for him.
The Reality Of The BattleField
The challenge to live a life free of pain, suffering, and all the adversities we see is impossible as long as the devil and his agents are ruling this world.
Remember even the early Christians and apostles faced varied forms of pain and suffering. It’s part of the Christian journey.
Paul, upon all his anointing, faced hunger, imprisonment, rejection, beatings, assassination attempts, weakness, shipwreck, etc, but in all —the Lord took him through. And he never gave up!
This is one reason he boldly said;
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” —Philippians 4:13
Here is a profound affirmation example that should be used often by soldiers of Christ Jesus. The Lord isn’t going to leave you alone in your struggles. It takes faith to understand and to keep moving forward.
You don’t necessarily have to see what the Lord is doing before you confide in Him. A lot happens in the spiritual realm that ends up having significant effects on our daily lives as Christians.
Take Elisha, for instance; when surrounded by enemies, his servant Gehazi was terrified. Thinking they are doomed…
He answered,
“Do not be afraid; for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “LORD, please open his eyes, that he may see.” The LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and look, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha.” —2 Kings 6:16-17.
Don’t you think, the Lord is still on our side fighting our battles for us? I believe it’s time we beef up our faith in the Lord and praise His Holy Name even in the most difficult moments.
It is faith that helps us to command mountains of obstruction to move. In the midst of your storm, where is your faith?
The Lord will graciously supply us with the spiritual weapons to stand and fight. He never leaves our side.
So today as you read through this post, I want to encourage and remind you that God never sends His soldiers to the battlefield without supplying them with the necessary weapons. He has always been a great Provider.
“For though we live as human beings, we do not wage war according to human standards, for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds…” —2 Corinthians 10:3-4
The Battle Is Real
Whether you like it or not, the devil will surely bring the battle to your doorstep. The spiritual warfare is very real… It is up to you to be ready at all times through, prayers, faith in Jesus, the word of God, etc
The bitter truth is that you can’t be a good Christian without any challenge from the rulers of darkness. You provoke the enemy for being a follower of Jesus.
As the good shepherd was hated, rejected, vilified, etc, so his disciples were rejected and suffered many challenges.
Today, we are not exempted from pain and suffering. But the good news is that we are empowered to endure through the Holy Spirit. Because Jesus has already won the battle on the cross by disarming the powers of darkness and publicly shaming the devil (Colossians 2:15)
Therefore it wouldn’t be necessary to complain too much when faced with any challenge. Do you even know our worries are useless? Find out now why you are being a fool worrying about unnecessary things . The Bible rather challenges us to rejoice in situations that make things look bad or hopeless.
Some Common Struggles Of Christians
Now let’s take a look at some of the commonest and toughest battles ravaging the lives of Christian soldiers today in this crooked world.
The term toughest battles varies according to each other’s perception and abilities. What is tough and worrisome for me might be nothing in the face of a brother who is going through excruciating pain.
But in all, God has promised that He will not allow temptations greater than our strength to befall us. This means even in the direst moment, He is in control (1 Corinthians 10:13). This sounds so encouraging!
1. Spiritual Struggles
Despite being followers of Jesus Christ and knowing of His divinity, power, and salvation plan, many believers still wrestle with doubts, unanswered prayers, or feeling rejected by God.
Sadly, the struggle with sin and other addictions brings constant inner conflicts. Such people need to rededicate their lives to Jesus by taking bold steps to connect with him through prayers and fasting, church fellowship, and more.
2. Diseases And Sicknesses
Despite knowing of the healing power of Jesus Christ, some Christians still feel rejected and disappointed because all their efforts to be healed have proved fulfilled.
Others still find it difficult to comprehend why God will allow them to go through constant depression, varied physical health problems, and other mental health problems.
As a soldier, never forget that some battles will look tough right in front of you. But take a minute and ask the Lord to open your eyes like that of Gehazi to see deeper into the amazing things or provisions He has bestowed on you. Then count your blessings, name them one by one, and collectively see what the Lord has done for you.
3. Poverty and Economic Hardships
This world has never been fair to the children of God. The inequalities and injustice have been a major problem for many. Poverty and financial constraints affect a greater part of the world’s population. And sadly, no one truly seems to care.
Individual Christians suffer financial challenges, and churches and outreach ministries also suffer economic hardships.
In some areas, Christians are denied jobs, education, or aid because of their faith. Missionaries and church leaders around the world often suffer financial hardship while serving.
In all, the Lord never abandons us. It is our responsibility to think deeper —to take a look at the bigger picture to understand the abundant grace and mercy we still enjoy for free.
“If the LORD had not been on our side” – let Israel say this! – if the LORD had not been on our side when men attacked us, they would have swallowed us alive, when their anger raged against us.” Psalm 124:1-3
The God of Jacob is still with us. He never changes. His love and mercies endure forever.
4. Family and Social Rejection
Jesus said if you love yourself, your father, your mother, etc, more than him, then you don’t deserve to be his follower. This means as Christians, we must deny ourselves and be ready to be abandoned by everyone for Christ’s sake.
Converts from other religions, especially in Islamic, Hindu, or atheist-majority regions, may be disowned by their families. And to a larger extent, they are threatened with death. Some believers are ridiculed or isolated because of their faith. To stand in these tough situations requires the strength and grace of God.
The Toughest Soldiers In Question
What can mere mortals do? The quote in question, “God gives His toughest battles to his strongest soldiers,” shouldn’t be taken as a scriptural message. It needs correction to conform with the nature and purpose of God. I believe, today we can see the true Biblical connotation and how we can apply it rightfully in this crooked world.
Even if the Lord has highly anointed you and accomplished greater works through you, dare not boast. Be humble and acknowledge the Lord’s help.
“But he said to me,
“My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.
If there is anyone classified as a strong soldier of Jesus Christ, then it’s because of God’s provision. And He graciously gives strength to his children to overcome sin, temptations, and all the challenges that may crop up.
No Christian soldier is strong on his own. None of us is too strong to face our daily challenges or the devil without the Lord’s grace, mercy, and provisions. He is mighty in battle (Psalm 24:10).
In Summation
So is it true the Lord gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers?
No, it’s never true because nothing is tough for God to handle. He doesn’t need anyone’s help; He rather helps us by giving us strength, wisdom, protection, and direction to navigate through life victoriously.
He has commanded us to be strong and courageous because Christianity isn’t for the coward.
Don’t ever think you have all the strength to go on a rampage, beating your chest like King Kong and doing whatever you like. Be an obedient child who seeks the face of God for strength, wisdom, and direction to navigate through this crooked world.
Don’t also forget that the Lord sends his angels as flames of fire to protect us from harm and against the crafty schemes of the devil. May we learn to be grateful for everything the Lord does in our daily lives.
About Author
Anthony Eshun is a Christian blogger from Ghana, saved by grace. Loves the Bible, life coaching, and evangelism. With over 6 years of experience in blogging, he has reached out to thousands of people around the world.