Solomon and the Queen of Sheba – The Movie

(Photo: Unsplash)

In my series “The Old Testament Goes Hollywood,” I have been reviewing how Hollywood tells biblical stories. For a list of previous reviews, see my post, “The Old Testament Goes Hollywood”

The movie, “Solomon and Sheba” was released in 1959. The film stars Yul Brynner as Solomon, Gina Lollobrigida as Sheba, George Sanders as Adonijah, and Marisa Pavan as Abishag.

The clip below tells the story of two mothers who both claimed to be the mother of the living baby rather than the mother of the baby who had died. The events that led to this legal dispute happened at night while both women slept.

According to the woman telling the story the other woman’s baby died at night because she had laid on him. Then, she took the dead baby and exchanged him for the other baby, the one that was alive. When the woman woke up to nurse her son, she noticed that the child was dead. When she looked at the dead child, she realized that he was not her son. In the clip, the two women came before Solomon to argue their case before him.

In my next post I will review the movie, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

NEXT: In my next installment of “The Old Testament Goes Hollywood,” I will review the movie “David and Bathsheba.”

MOVIE REVIEW: Solomon and Sheba – A Movie Review

For previous posts on the Old Testament and Hollywood, see my post, “The Old Testament Goes Hollywood.”

NOTE: For other studies on Solomon, David’s son and King of Israel, read my post Solomon, King of Israel.

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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