51 Responses

    1. Praise God! Very encouraging word, thank you Wanda. I’v Also been following Chris Yoon who is also right on the money. My prayers are being answered.

    2. Yes, praise the Lord and amen!! 🙏

    3. Yes Hallelujah! Thank you Abba Father!

    4. Amen Wanda.
      It is sweet to my ears to read you quiet time prayers from the Holy Spirt.
      Quated. It matters not what the enemies of My Kingdom do or say, for they have no authority in my realm. They have no standing and no voice. Their arguments are as DUNG to me! That’s right! DUNG! They are a stench to My nostrils and I will no longer tolerate their poison or their presence. It is time to evict the Strongmen! It is time for cleansing and the disinfecting agent of My Spirit to come so that I can pour out MY fragrance upon the earth – the aroma of LIFE, LIBERTY, and FREEDOM in the Son!”
      I’m without a doubt something is going on behind the scene we are not aware of. I believe President Trump has not given up and will be inaugurated 20 January 2021.
      Praise the Lord for all of you here. We are Blessed.

    5. Thank you and bless you for such powerful words in this time right now! We love you!

    6. Thank you Wanda,
      I sincerely believe that what has been hidden, no man could fully expose. Why do the nations rage? Because ultimately satan fully realizes that he cannot hoodwink our God!
      He can only hide behind lies, chaos, and confustion. When God shines His light of truth
      EVERYONE will be amazed. Hence the word, MIRACLE! I choose to trust in Him.
      John 11:40
      “Did I not promise you,” replied Jesus, “that if you believe, you shall see the glory of God?”

      1. Does it bother you that Trump was friends with Epstein?

        1. Does it bother you that Bill Clinton was actually on his plane dozens of times to his island?

          1. Both Trump and Clinton are pedophiles. Thanks for confirming this, Sue.

    7. Amen and Amen. I will trust in the LORD and praise ALMIGHTY GOD with worship and singing like David did so many times. GOD is good. GOD bless you Wanda for your faith, love and trust in Yeshua!

    8. I went to Subscribe to your YouTube channel. How blessed I have been this last year with your emails. Now several prayer partners receive your messages and we are in agreement with what the Lord speaks to you, and through you. I am soon to order several of your books to read and also give as gifts. I believe yours is a ministry we can sow into without reservation. I’ve been asking God where to give offerings this year, I now think you are on the list. May His anointing increase upon you as you faithfully share His Word.

      Calling On The Power Of Heaven
      As shadows fall all over the land
      in the Lord, we take our stand
      the time has come to have brave hearts
      cause the enemy is coming like a lion
      To tear us all apart
      we’re calling on the power of Heaven
      looking up, reaching up to the sky
      We’re Calling on the power of Heaven
      send the Light, Lord send the light
      We’re calling on the power of Heaven
      look up reaching up to the sky
      We’re Calling on the power of Heaven
      To Win the fight ( It is a spiritual fight) Lord win the fight
      We’re Crying out to You
      Falling on our knees
      father help us please
      that your will be done
      to give us the victory
      We’re calling on the power of Heaven
      God’s Army is on our side
      We’re Calling on the power of Heaven
      To Win the fight Lord win the fight
      Someday we”ll look back
      When this war is won
      The days will be brighter then
      but We got to stay the course
      and keep pressing on
      cause we know with him we win
      Jesus is the Light.
      Folks I know that we will win this fight, because God’s goes before us and is bring us the victory. Even though everyone has turned their back on president Trump God has has not. President Trump will serve a second term and Biden will never be in office. God will not allow it. Because Trump won this election, he protects life and protects Israel. God gave me the scripture in Daniel 2:21 (NKJV) moths ago.
      He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings (Biden) and raises up kings; (Trump) He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.
      God gave me this scripture about this election Months ago. I was shocked on the Jan 6th when in the dark of night Biden was throned by Congress to be President. Very unrighteous thing to do. I asked the Lord what is going on. He said go back and look at that scripture. I heard the Lord say in my heart that ” I cannot dethrone a King that has not been throned” . ” This unrighteous deed must be done before I can dethrone a king.” Plus all the evil doers , deep state, the enemies were brought out into the light, They have come to the surface. Now God is bringing his wrath against them. Rom 1-18. Read that scripture.
      see my you tube post on Prophecy on the election goto david pellegrini music .

    10. Thank you so much I really needed this today!
      God Bless!
      Please google Mitch Rossell 2020 music video

    11. i really appreciate your faith and it has helped my weak faith, esp your sincere faith after last weeks siege on the capital.
      I’ve been a spirit-filled Christian for 27 years and admittedly, I’ve had to repent about weak faith and doubts God would answer our prayers for another harvest, but rather He would rapture us.
      We are all called to be like knives sharpening knives…so encourage all believers to seek the Word of God together. When I’d lost hope, a friend was mad and snubbed me. I don’t think that’s what you are encouraging in your note above.
      Hebrews 10:24-25…and not let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds. not forsaking our own and assembling together, as ins the habits of sum, but encouraging one another (esp those of us feeling doubts), and all the more as you see the day approaching.
      In the end, the Lord helped my faith so He is the Great Encourager and Author of our Faith. He led me to Joel3. For the children and His people and the land, which they’ve divided.
      Best k

    12. Do you actually address any criticism towards you?

      1. Would it really help:-)? I don’t have the time to debate with those who are just looking for a fight.

        1. Seems like you don’t like being questioned and just want everyone to agree with you. My kid is like that.

          1. Bobby, the truth is, I’ve simply been inundated with emails, messages, and comments, not only on this blog, but my YouTube channel. I simply don’t have the needed time to give a thoughtful response to every question, comment, or criticism. Feel free to move on if that’s not acceptable:-). God bless.

          2. Bobby, you’re clearly projecting what you’re doing onto Wanda.

    13. Thank you Wanda. I just discovered you and am blessed for watching your videos in recent day.
      You are without a doubt a healing, calm voice in the storm of confusion.

    14. Not by might nor power, but by My Spirit says The LORD of hosts! Zech 4:6.

    15. Wanda,
      It’s happening right now throughout the country. Military is moving now. Please be very aware of riots due to some of this becomes public aware.
      The implementation of the Insurrection Act began after the raid on the Capitol and was marked by Trump’s broadcast to the people to disband and return home.
      President Trump and family on the move for their protection. .Transition to new cabinet will be smooth. Retired General Mike Flynn will be VP.
      I’m sure you see figures in political places will be arrested by the military.
      Exactly as prayer said.
      We are entering into the time of MY SPIRIT on the earth. The deliverance now taking place will remove the cancer that has been growing from deep within the network of nations for generations. You have prayed for the roots, and that is what I am doing.
      The surgery has gone deep and has been painful, and yet it is an operation and pruning that must take place in order for the glory to come! Trust My plan, for I never do things in part. Every step has been established and every rock overturned.
      There is nothing that has been hidden from my sight and there is no injustice that will not be accounted for. That which you cannot see or understand has not been to frustrate you, but to protect you. Know that you need not know every detail. You only need trust in My plans to complete the good work I have begun from ages past!
      “My word is accomplishing its purposes and you WILL see them fulfilled.”
      God Bless all and keep you faith. Pray all the time.

    16. Good to hear your uplifting word from the Lord, Wanda. Thank you for sharing your prophecies when you can. Bless you and yours. California Gal praying for our nation.

    17. So encouraging, Wanda. Very timely.
      Very directional. Thank you.

    18. Hello Wanda, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Earlier I read something that interested me; an accusation about you. Who is to say what is real or not but the accusation was that you are a white supremacist. As a black woman who reads a lot of your work this disturbed me. I certainly hope it isn’t true. It would alienate people-of-color who love Christ if their favorite prophet was racist.
      I know that this may be embarrassing for you and that you may not wish to speak upon it but I desperately need to know where you stand if I’m going to continue to purchase your e-books and watch your channel. Are these accusations true? If not then where do you stand?
      Thank you and God Bless your home and your family,
      Harriet Bernard

      1. I can assure you, Harriet – I am not a white supremacist. I don’t see color – I see a person’s heart. Our church is multi-racial and multi-cultural and I have been praying for years that we would be even more diverse! Any such accusation is simply not my heart – at all:-). Blessings!

        1. You do realize not seeing race means you’re racist, right? Not recognizing institutional or generational racism just because it doesn’t affect you may allow you to not see race, which just means that you’re unintentionally racist.

          1. Wanda: You’re a saint for even bothering to respond to that comment on racism. A lesson I learned years ago pastoring in liberal mainline churches is that just because you are faithful to the Bible to speak the truth in love, does not mean (in the slightest) that it will be received in similar fashion. I prayed for you again this morning. Hold onto the Lord’s peace. He is with you. Racist comments like the one you received mean only one thing: you are “over the target.”

          2. Tyrone, you are just trying to pick a fight and you know it. You sound exactly like the MSM does (Main Stream Murderers). Stop feeding on that garbage. Take your fight to someone that you have blatantly seen being racist. “Unintentionally racist”? C’mon, that’s a meaningless term.

      2. Please don’t falsely accuse someone just b/c you heard a rumor. It is important to not allow yourself
        be manipulated at someone else’s whim.
        Exodus 23:1
        “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.”

    19. Ms. Wanda, I had a similar experience early this morning. In my dream, the Lord spoke asking “Who is on the Lord’s side?”. As He spoke His words appeared in red on a large banner. I truly believe He is about to move

    20. I say God bless you for taking time to respond to some of our posts at all. If the Lord does prompt you, however, to respond to this question, I would be thankful (by the way, I used to be a pastor in W. PA) In today’s post, you have a sentence that I sense is profound and important … but I’m not sure about the fulness of what you intend. You you write just a sentence or two about these words: “Refuse to debase your faith to mere principle.” Thank you.

      1. Faith is not just what we believe but how we walk and talk in the midst of contradictions. Faith takes risks. It speaks when others are silent; it rises up when others fall down; it steps out when others step back. Faith without works is dead. Blessings!

        1. Thank you, Lord. Your response perfectly matches the reasoning my wife and I adopted just a week ago in stepping out of neutrality over whether Pres. Trump will stay in office and intentionally stepped into the affirmative camp, standing in faith. The Holy Spirit showed us that neutrality required zero faith but believing requires much faith. So, said the Lord, which posture does it stand to reason is the right one? We thank our God in Christ for you … your messages we a huge help in clarifying this and motivating us to step up to the faith plate. We pray for you daily that the Lord will uphold you and equip you day by day for the work he has given you at this critical time … that he will protect you from overwork and being overwhelmed. God Bless.

          1. Thank you!!

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