Stay Away From People Like This

Let’s talk about the times we live in, and some of the women of today in America. I am not talking about all women, and I am not talking about godly women. I am not speaking of the lovely and strong, loving, hard-working mothers and other women out there. What I am referring to are the cold, hardened, violent women of today. Among these women are mothers who kill their children. The frequency at which this is happening is appalling.

– According to the News & Observer, Cierra Dyer stabbed her one year old daughter in an attempted murder, during an argument about custody.

Lavell Ingram’s mother allegedly shot him dead, reportedly over a missing memory card, according to ABC7 Chicago News.

Leticia Bravo allegedly murdered her boyfriend’s 7 year old son by locking him in a room and letting him starve to death. He was reportedly 37 pounds at the time of his death.

-Story told by Todd Betzold of Front Page Detectives.

In addition, some mothers continue to bring dangerous men into their children’s lives. These men are harming and even killing their children.

– According to the NY post, Legacy Beauford was sexually assaulted and killed by his mother’s boyfriend, Keishawn Gordon, who became frustrated with the child’s crying. He had been “babysitting” him [1].

There are many, many similar crimes taking place regularly. Daily, via news outlets, I see multiple stories of women killing their children. It is a regular thing now. Incidences of this happening are on the increase. The day has arrived when many women are hard, cruel, and do not even love their children. What is going on?

The Bible foretells us that in the last days this is how people will be:

“You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.  

For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful.

They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control.They will be cruel and hate what is good. 

They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!...” 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 (NLT).

Yes, I observe many women that are simply religious, but don’t know God.
Some womem seem to be devout Christians, until they meet a man who doesn’t want anything to do with God; then they abandon God to be with him.

There are women practicing various religious routines, but they don’t know God. Some are trying to combine witchcraft and various types of paganism with Christianity.

There are some sitting under false teachings, captivated by false teachers. Yes, they are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.
2 Timothy 3: 7 (NLT).

Certain women killing their children seems to be at an all time high. I cannot browse the internet without daily seeing multiple headlines about different mothers killing their child or their children.

These women are lovers of themselves, and of the so-called freedom from their child or the children they chose to bring into the world and later murdered. Their hearts are callous, cold toward their own offspring.

A woman who can end the life of her own child is probably capable of anything.

A woman who can spend 9 months carrying her child, years bonding with and nurturing her child, only to turn around and kill him or her is capable of anything, in my opinion.

Some women are taking it out on their children, perhaps because they are frustrated and angry, being a single mother, and having to deal with the challenges that brings. They may not be able to cope with being a parent for various reasons. Their poor, innocent children are targeted.

Bitter, angry, and dangerous women are not only toxic to their children, but toxic to society. Their numbers are increasing. Watch out. Some of these women are toxic in a covert way. It is important to stay prayed up and discerning. Watch who you keep close and who you call friend. The men should remain prayerful and value a woman’s character over her appearance.

Toxic women often spend time slandering others, gossiping, homewrecking, being catty, envious of other women, disrespectful to their men, and causing a wide variety of problems. They may have a beautiful exterior and sweet dripping words, but are deadly minions.

They are women we see walking around us every day. They may smile to your face and appear sweet. They could be the Sunday school teacher, the cheerful lady in the pews singing the loudest, or the lady in the cubicle next to you in the office. They could be anyone, anywhere. You never know.

The enemy is on the prowl.

You see, the adversary knows that his time is short, and he is upping the ante. Some women are committing a lot of atrocities that we did not often see them committing before. Especially, this is the case with murder. I have noted an increase in sexual deviancy among women as well. The violent behaviors and crimes are becoming more commonplace among some women in America.

I believe all this is simply a sign of the times. The end is near. I pray that God continue to change hearts and minds. There is hope for people as long as they are still alive. May God help His people to watch and pray without ceasing. God help us to stay sober and vigilant, always. I pray for a divine hedge of protection to cover folks. God help the saints to continually abide in Christ and be continuous godly light in this dark and lost world.

[1] New York Post:

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