The Adventure Continues!

The Adventure Continues!

I am grateful to all of you who follow my blog each week.   I'm sure you have noticed there haven't been as many posts lately.  

After spending an exciting two weeks in February teaching Christian Leadership conferences, preaching, and speaking at a youth camp,  we made the decision to follow God's call to minister to the Haitian people.  

Due to our planned move to the mission field in Gonaives, Haiti during the month of September, making preparations for our move, and traveling to speaking engagements, it will be necessary to reduce the number of blog posts I write each week.

As time allows, they will be posted each Monday.  Once we arrive on the field, it again depends on how busy I am and whether there is electricity.  I would encourage you to sign up on the right side of this page to follow my posts, and to make sure you don't miss any. 

We are also available to speak at your church or home group.  Or if you are interested in more information, joining our prayer team, receiving our newsletter, or partnering with us financially in this new ministry endeavor you can email us at:

We are excited about this new adventure in the Lord.  I will be teaching, preaching, and working on various projects to further the ministry of Eben-Ezer Mission.  And we ask that you would come along side and pray for our ministry to be effective, to encourage and build up the local church, and many opportunities to make Christ known to all we meet.   

 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8)

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