The lamentations of Heaven: Men Ought to Pray

The lamentations of Heaven: Men Ought to Pray

Posted on October 8, 2012 Updated on October 8, 2012


Babatope Babalobi

Luke 18:1

And  he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint

There are three lessons we can learn from this verse.

  1. The first lesson is that it is ‘Men’ that pray, which means that if you are not praying, you are a ‘Baby Christian’. It is therefore important for you to decide whether you want to be a baby Christian or an adult Christian.

2.    The second lesson is that praying is continuous. The Bible says that men ought always means you must pray      always. Prayer is not an occasional exercise, but a continuous exercise.

3.    The third lesson is that prayer is mandatory. The Bible uses the word ‘ought’ which means this is what you are supposed to do, it is what you are expected to do, which means this is what is required of you.

Lamentations of Heaven

But the lamentations of heaven are that the followers of Christ are yet to imbibe the lessons of this passage and diligently follow the simple instructions of this verse.

  1. The first lamentation of heaven is that we have a lot of baby Christians in the altar of prayer, whereas Jesus is looking for who he could describe as prayer warrior.

     2.    The second lamentation of heaven is that people are weeping and murmuring over their problems and difficulties instead of crying to God. The standard of heaven is so clear that we are supposed to turn our worries, fears and our anxieties into prayer points.

      3.    The third lamentations of heaven is that Christians have become victims of satanic oppression whereas they should have been the people oppressing the devil, if only Christians behave like men, if only Christians pray always as Jesus Christ instructed, all the stories we hear about dream attacks, witchcraft attacks, snakes pursuing people in dreams and other kinds of night oppression would not occur. When Jesus Christ said we ought to pray always, He expects us to remain in the prayer altar and release fire on the power of darkness day and night.

       4.  The fourth lamentation of heaven is that instead of praying always as Jesus Christ instructed, Christians are sleeping and snoring. Bible does not say men ought to sleep always but pray always, which means that during the day or at night we are expected to continue praying. Unfortunately the pleasures of the world have hooked Christians. People are more engrossed in gossiping, talking, and watching TV, partying, etc

        5.  The fifth lamentation of heaven is that the present generation of Christians finds it difficult to fast which is the twin brother of praying. When Jesus Christ said men ought to pray always, He expects us to also fast. As some problems cannot be resolved without combining fasting with praying. But the present generation of Christians find one thousand and one excuse for not fasting.

         6. The sixth lamentation of heaven is the new Christians that are praying are not spending quality time in the altar of prayers. Most prayers said by Christians are ordinary superficial, spines and without fire. Heaven is lamenting  that there are very few Christians including church leaders who can pray for one hour at a stretch not to talk of three or six hours, whereas Jesus Christ want us to pray always. Heaven is lamenting that out of the 24 hours in a day, most of us can only pray for few minutes.

         7. The seventh lamentation of heaven is that whereas Jesus Christ expects every Christians to be able to pray for him or herself, most Christians are busy looking for who to pray for them, Christians are always going up and down with prayer requests looking for a powerful man of God to pray for them. But the truth is that every Christian has the power and the right, to pray to God.

        8.   Heaven is also lamenting that Christians that are supposed to be intercessors, interceding for the destiny of peoples, nations, family, continents, the same Christians are carrying prayer request up and down, looking for a powerful man of God who will pray for them so that their problems will be solved.

       9.   The ninth lamentation of heaven is that Christians are not willing to leave their comfort zone for a prayer mountain. Jesus Christ was always praying on the mountains, and also always looking for lonely and solitary place to pray. Heaven is lamenting that the followers of Christ are not ready to follow His footsteps; they are not ready to cut off from pleasures and seek a secluded place to seek the face of God.  Experience shows that God prefers to manifests His presence where there is calmness and stillness.

     10.   The last lamentation of heaven is that Christians are fainting on the altars of prayer, Christians are finding it difficult to preserve in prayers, and Christians are not ready to pray until something happens. Once a typical Christians pray for some time and he doesn’t receive answers to his prayer, his faith breaks but the standard of heaven is that we ought to pray, until we receive answers to our prayers.


  • Holy Spirit turn me into a prayer warrior in Jesus name
  • My prayer altar be recharged in Jesus name

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