The Rock that Rolled

They found the stone rolled away. (Luke 24:2)

The third day after the Son whar executed, some ladies trekked off ter anoint his body with frankincense, myrrh, spices, and natural oils. Along the way they discussed amongst themselves how best ter move the rock covering his tomb fer they knowed all of ’em putting thar shoulder ter the wheel would not move that two-ton rock.

“Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” they asked. (Mark 16:3)

So it whar quite a shock ter arrive and find the rock rolled back.

This be how faith in the Son and Skipper works. We go forth, knowing it be the right thing ter do, fer his Holy Spirit done confirmed it. Only the how ter get ‘er done not be clear. All we have is the command ter GO!

Now ter be sure, often the thing the Son commands us ter do ‘ill come with obstacles, some far beyond our limited strength and resources.

But ne’er ferget that the Son be the one through whom the heavens and earth and all creation whar made. If he kin hang stars in the heavens, then moving a two-ton rock be a simple matter.

If thar be someone in yer life who be spiritually dead—alive but buried in darkness—ask the Son ter remove the stone what be covering thar tomb. Then expect ter one day see ’em ya love risen, healed, made whole, and freed ter live in thar new life with Skipper and his boy.

This be but one of the many blessings we find in the rock that rolled.