The Ultimate Indie Bundle Revolutionizes Artist Promotion

The Ultimate Indie Bundle Topics

  1. Empowering Independent Musicians with the Ultimate Indie Bundle
  2. The Indie Bible: Your Comprehensive Guide to Music Marketing
  3. Indie Venue Bible: Streamlining Gig Booking for Musicians
  4. Bonus Music Guides: Essential Tools for Music Industry Triumph

The Ultimate Indie Bundle

Empowering Independent Musicians with the Ultimate Indie Bundle

  • The Ultimate Indie Bundle, a partnership between Devine Jamz Gospel Network and Indie Bible, offers a comprehensive set of resources aimed at assisting individuals within the music industry.

The Indie Bible: Your Comprehensive Guide to Music Marketing

  • Included in the bundle is the renowned Indie Bible, a 1500-page compendium organized into 16 sections. It provides contact information for 4,000 radio stations, 1,000 music blogs, 900 record labels, 1,000 music magazines, 30,000 music venues and festivals, and much more.
  • Purchasing each directory separately would typically cost over $200, but with the bundle package, artists pay only $59.95, saving $150.

Indie Venue Bible: Streamlining Gig Booking for Musicians

  • The bundle also encompasses the Indie Venue Bible, boasting a massive directory of 30,000 live music venues across the US and Canada. From festivals to colleges, bars to churches, this resource facilitates easy gig booking for musicians of all genres.

Bonus Music Guides: Essential Tools for Music Industry Triumph

  • Additionally, artists gain access to two bonus guides: "The Ultimate Guide to Promoting Your Music" and "The Ultimate Guide to Booking Gigs." These supplementary resources offer valuable insights and strategies for navigating the music industry effectively.

Unlocking Music Industry Success

  • With the Ultimate Indie Bundle, independent musicians are equipped with the tools and resources necessary to reach new heights in their careers. From expanding their exposure to selling more music, this comprehensive package serves as a one-stop solution for music industry success.

Purchase Links:

The Ultimate Indie Bundle, in partnership with Devine Jamz Gospel Network and Indie Bible, stands as a beacon of empowerment for independent musicians navigating the complex terrain of the music industry. With its comprehensive resources, including the Indie Bible, Indie Venue Bible, and bonus music guides, artists are equipped to enhance their exposure, market their projects effectively, and secure valuable gig opportunities. By providing access to these invaluable tools at an affordable price point, the Ultimate Indie Bundle paves the way for artists of all genres to thrive and succeed in their musical endeavors.

Editor's Picks


Ray Oster

Ray Oster is the visionary behind Devine Jamz Gospel Network (, a company dedicated to delivering faith-based marketing, education, and strategic direction for seamlessly integrating inspirational music into media platforms and businesses that influence family-oriented audiences.