There are two things that drive me crazy

(Photo: Unsplash)

By Elizabeth Prata

OK, there’s more than two but I’m talking not about life’s pet peeves, but doctrinal, theological error that seem to gall me more than others. Doctrinal error is a problem and in my portion, there are two particular ones that are upsetting to my heart.

I get upset with women claiming they have these conversations with God. When you do that, you immediately declare the Bible INsufficient for all edification and good works, contrary to what the Bible actually says, which is that it’s perfectly sufficient. (2 Timothy 3:16).

When I come across people who say they have been transported to heaven and back, given tours, spoken with relatives and with Jesus, it is highly upsetting to me. This is doctrinal error and a demonic delusion.

No one has ascended into heaven, except He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man. (John 3:13)

Who has ascended to heaven and come down? (Proverbs 30:4a)

Only Paul, John, Isaiah, and Ezekiel were given a view of heaven. Only three of those men wrote about what they saw, with Paul saying it is unlawful for a man to go on about it. Isaiah, Ezekiel and John were given permission to write about what they saw.

Yet all these people claimed to go to heaven and be given personal tours by Jesus or their grandfather or an angel or they just strolled admiring everything. Worship seemed absent in these recountings.

And as for God calling down from heaven to assure some of these women that yes they will be successful in TV, or that they ARE enough, or whisper sweet nothings…it just galls me. Not because I’m “jealous” as critics like to lob, but because it’s unbiblical. Unbiblical things lead people astray. It’s terrible when people go astray because of supposed leaders teaching error. I don’t like it.

So I fixed it.

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No I didn’t fix it really, lol. But I wanted to do this so I could make the statement that though the Bible records real heavenly visits and conversations with God, in these days they are not happening and if someone claims otherwise, it’s unbiblical. And, I wanted to offer some biblical resources to help clear up confusion on these issues.

If you have any questions or need more resources, just comment below or send a message from the contact page.

Blessings, sisters!

Answers in Genesis: Are Visits to Heaven Real?

Justin Peters: YOUR BEST AFTERLIFE NOW: An Examination and Critique of Claimed Visits to Heaven and Hell

Desiring God: Don’t Say God Is Silent with Your Bible Closed

Cameron Buettel: The Lord Told Me

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