Tips and secrets of good health and long life

Tips and secrets of good health and long life

Posted on April 12, 2014 Updated on April 11, 2014

There is no appointed day for death. The day or time is decided by several factors including how well you take care of your health in life. Below are tips on maintaining a good health and enjoying long life

Genesis 2 vs. 3 – Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

1. Creating a time to relax and rest is a spiritual secret of living healthygood health
2. Even mechanical objects need to be rested, how much more your body?
3. Avoid the temptation of working round the clock daily
4. If God rested from His work, you should also rest from your work daily and weekly
5. Take a siesta, take a break, take an holiday, take a leave, observe your normal sleeping hours and avoid over working
6. Rest refreshes the body, soul and spirit.

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This entry was posted in Babatope Babalobi and tagged body, Death, depression, Devotionals, Health, long life, sleep, tiredness.

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