To Whom Are You Accountable? — iWork4Him

Accountability looks and feels different for every person that God has created. In His wisdom God created a hierarchy within creation that gave Man dominion over all that was created.  But who holds each human accountable?  

In high school, I was mentored by a college student for a number of years.  No small task for any one person. You see I am a hard charging, high energy person. He had to run in order to keep up with me and hold me accountable. 

Until recently, I spent much of my adult life I have been without a formal mentor.  A few people fed into my life but very few actually took time to speak truth into me and hold me accountable.  I need it in my life and so do you.  Don’t wait for a mentor to come to you.  

If you see something in them (living a life freely in Christ) that you want to re-produce, then ask them to feed into you and ask the tough questions.

Jesus was such a great example of mentoring. He chose disciples that would listen, ask questions, and eventually be obedient.  Are you able to be held accountable?  Are you able to be mentored?  Are you willing to mentor someone else? 

Don’t be stubborn – seek accountability. It will change your life.

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

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