Unfriended - Offline - Jewell Utt

    Conflicts, misunderstandings, rejection, all reasons people will part ways. In an imperfect world we are liable to make a mistake when it comes to our friendships. When I think about the grace that Jesus expressed to us, knowing our weaknesses, I wonder why we cannot extend that to each other. Instead we are quick to un-friend.

    Relationships are complicated. Personalities and insecurities cloud good judgment when conflict arises. We make more of a situation than is warranted when we feel personally attacked. Protection mode requires us to find a friend and share our grief.

    But is this how Christ intended us to behave? The Bible does instruct that there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors, but our first session should be with Christ, in prayer. Too often we bypass this all important step and that’s where we slip.

    When you think about the last misunderstanding you had with someone, are you able to say you covered it in prayer prior to acting on your emotions? I must admit I’ve acted and reacted on emotion far too many times.

    Christ understands we are weak vessels prone to failure and self-centered motives. Our lack is an opportunity to step into a better place with God; a place of repentance where the driving force is righteousness and pleasing God, rather than self preservation.

    God is quick to extend grace to us. We should be quick to accept his gift, look past the conflict, and extend grace to others.

    Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.

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