Viewing Pornography sites

Viewing Pornography sites

Posted on February 7, 2008

Sex sin can destroy marriages and families. Adultery often destroys marriages and families. The husband and the wife will suffer emotional, spiritual and even physical damage when the bond of fidelity is broken.

Major healing will be needed to repair the breach. Memories created during a marriage breakup can last the lifetime of the family and the effects can be felt up to four generations. Viewing pornography is a form of adultery (Matthew 5:28), and its potential to damage a marriage cannot be underestimated.

Too often it is justified as a harmless necessity by the addicted, suggesting that it is not as damaging as physical adultery. This is a lie!


This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged adultery, Christian, fornication, masturbation, oral sex, porn, pornography, Sex, sex outside marriage.

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