Walking with Jesus Every Day

    Walking with Jesus Christ daily is not just a religious act; it's a personal journey that strengthens our faith and deepens our relationship with Him. As we step into the light, walking alongside Jesus, we experience a transformation that brings us closer to God.

    The scripture tells us, "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another..." (1 John 1:7). This verse highlights the importance of being in the light. You are beings of light, just as God is light. Jesus said, 'You are the light of the world'. Beings of light, walk in the light as He (God) is in the light! Isn't that wonderful? God has translated us from darkness to light, and transformed us into beings of light. Hallelujah! 

    Steps to Walking with Jesus

    1. Love the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, soul, and might. Start Your Day by communing with the lover of your soul, Lord Jesus Christ.

    2. Be hungry to know Him more. The moment you lose the hunger to know God, your love and faith become cold. Read and Meditate on the Word of God.

    3. We live by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which means we live in radical obedience by faith.

    4. Let your life reflect that you are in LOVE. Love with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. This is how you share the Gospel with Others. Sharing the Gospel is not a task; the great commission is birthed out of the great commandment, LOVE. We are compelled by the love of God to share the Gospel!

    5. Seek fellowship with other believers. We are part of the body of Christ. A Christian is not a lone ranger; you need to find your tribe in the Spirit and be part of the fellowship among the saints.

    In the words of the famous hymn, "Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it, Jesus, is my plea." Walking with Jesus is a personal commitment that brings forth joy, peace, and fulfillment. Let's take the steps necessary to walk in the light with Jesus Christ. Check out our

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    and join us in celebrating and growing in our faith together.

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