What is the biblical meaning of sanctify? - Christian Personal Development
- ·October 19, 2022
Have you asked someone this question: What is the biblical meaning of Sanctify? This is a very popular Christian term but I am sure many Christians can’t figure out the true meaning of sanctify.
This post will help you to understand the actual meaning of this Christian term and the relevance of sanctification to both Christians and non-Christians.
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What is the biblical meaning of sanctify? Simple definition
Sanctify has to do with cleansing. It is the setting apart of something or someone. Using Christian or biblical terms, it is to declare holy or to consecrate.
It is the process of making children of God become holy vessels that can conveniently relate to a holy God. Yes, it is a process and it is undertaken first with the blood of Jesus and then the Holy Spirit continues it using the Word of God.
Let us look at some other things you need to know about Sanctify. I believe you will get more understanding as we go along.
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How I understood the word sanctify
The word sanctify made so much meaning to me when I read about its usefulness to me in my marriage. I know you are surprised to read that.
You are wondering what the word sanctify has to do with issues of marriage. I want you to read the passage below:
Ephesians 5:24-26
[24]Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their husbands in everything.
[25]Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,
[26]that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,
The Bible directs husbands to love their wives just as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her and began to sanctify or cleanse or make holy the church.
That statement helped me to recognize one of the major profitable duties of husbands over their wives. I have to teach my wife the Word of God so that she can continually form the image of Christ.
But the Word of God used the word sanctify to describe this duty. Christ does it to the church, I should do it to my wife because Paul used the illustration of Christ and the church to explain the type of love I must have for my wife.
So the word sanctify made more meaning to me. I began to love the activity of teaching my wife the Word or study the Word of God together with her. I also decide to know more about what the word sanctify means and its relevance to me as a Christian.
How does God sanctify the believer?
God sanctifies the believers with what Jesus said in this passage when He prayed for His disciples.
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17),
This implies that God sanctifies us through His Word. Paul also explained that God’s Word trains us in righteousness so that we may “be complete” (2 Tim 3:16-17).
I believe you should be able to relate that with the passage I quoted earlier in Ephesians chapter 5, where the Bible says, Jesus, sanctify the church by His Word.
Why does God want us to be sanctified?
God wants us to be sanctified because He desires we should continue to become more like the image of Jesus Christ who is His perfect Son.
As I mentioned earlier, God does this important work of sanctifying us with His Spirit through His Word as we yield our lives to His control and are filled with Him.
God’s Word is extremely important here. This is the reason why Christians must not toy with regular and consistent word study.
You must have a relationship with God’s Word through:
- Word study
- Doing the Word
- Praying the Word
- Confessing the Word
Related: The practice of meditating on the Word of God
What is another word for sanctify
Another word for sanctify is cleanse. Other similar words are listed below;
- Set apart
- Dedicate to God
- make sacred
- Cleanse
- hallow
- Consecrate
- Make holy
- anoint
- ordain
- Bless
- beatify
- make legitimate or binding by a religious ceremony.
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