WHAT IS THE NAR? (New Apostolic Reformation)

    9 Responses

    1. Thank you for putting your videos in written form also. It makes it so much easier to remember what we’ve heard.

    2. Amen, Sister!

    3. As always, fair and balanced!

    4. Excellent and very balanced presentation on this subject. Mark 16:16-18, regarding the Great Commission given to the followers of Christ, includes, “…and these signs shall follow them”. Those signs lack where true faith lacks. The churches have evolved, in typical misguided human leadership fashion, into their own “Deep State”. I have watched various groups, even those previously rich in well-researched “knowledge”, lose gifts they previously manifested, even if weakly, due to lack of faith, and they reject gifts exhibited by others outside their “control”. They are exactly like the Pharisees, as Christ described them. Meanwhile, balance is needed, as many mistake the works of the Holy Spirit for emotional manifestations (favorites with the enemy) instead of a conforming to the righteousness of Christ. For example the “gift of tongues” should more accurately be understood as the “gift of EARS”, as the scripture clearly says those foreigners present at Acts 2:5-12, during Peter’s Pentecost sermon, all HEARD (repeated several times) him speak in their own languages; the gift was in the hearing, not in Peter babbling in many languages simultaneously, or unintelligibly. And so it goes with counterfeit gifts, but those gifts which are real, God has promised!!!!

    5. This is excellent! I appreciate you and I pray for you.

    6. I totaly agree with you Wanda thank you for sharing, I find it sad to witness the church dividing,rather than working togther in such a time as this.Thank God for His word that clearifies the truth from lies. satan is the enemy and we should stand togther in allowing the holy Spirit and His gifts to move within The Church ..false leaders ,will always be present amonst us but I don,t believe we should spend our time trying to point them out and causing division,That is the work of the holy spirit,Rather we should be praying for one another and pray for unity rather than division, through out the history of of God and man,Father always had men do things that were. considered strange and without any meanin,even down right silly or ridiculouse.to man. but who are we to tell God how to do His work, rather stay in our place ,obey,wait and watch.what we don,t understand now will,one day make sense.That is what I love about our God he is so unpredictable and full of surprises and cannot be put in a box. you can,t contain Him or controle Him or or totally understand Him, He is creator and Father,Alpha and omega , He builds His church on revelation, revealing Himself and His salvation and great love I find father God fascinating ,He will always be Father and He will always have something new to reveal to us His children..

    7. Please comment on what you believe Hebrews 1:1 means? Thank you ????

    8. Hi Wanda. Cessationism is not the overlying issue with opposition to the apostolic movement, it’s the aberrant issues and exaggerated authority. Those fringe issues you acknowledge, are not being addressed, and that would be a good place to start. Attributing all opposition to jealousy, shows an exaggerated sense of importance, in that everyone else is wrong, with no attempts at dialogue. The exaggerated perspective of the role apostles and prophets play, in directing, and bringing extra-Biblical revelation, as necessary for the advancement of the church, are of concern, and the real issues also touch upon the ‘fringe’ problems, for one. Let’s start there.

      1. Yes, I agree that there are numerous other issues just as pertinent to this discussion. As I shared in my corresponding video, there are many variations of belief systems and everyone has their own list of grievances and concerns. I only touched on the most consistent. I address this issue of spiritual authority in my book, MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER. I take several chapters to discuss the problems of the past, differing models of authority in the church, and how God’s blueprint works. If you’re really interested in what I believe – you can start there:-). You can also check out my husbands recent session of the 7 levels of authority he taught in our conference this past weekend. This also covers the subject of authority, especially in church government (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEPGjvL212A&t=7437s) Blessings!

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