When A Porcelain Throne Becomes A Throne of Grace


It’s a good thing I don’t believe in coincidence or I might choose more carefully how I write.

My last post was a clear message of faith over fear. Choosing to NOT worry.  Trusting God’s plan even when we don’t understand.

Well here we are, 24 hours later, sitting in the Atlanta airport after a strange, but unavoidable delay in St. Louis.

We were sitting in our seats, ON THE PLANE, ready for a 5:00 p.m. departure.  We were loaded, buckled, and ready to back away from the gate and the plane’s battery DIED.  Not only were we not going anywhere, but they were going to have to fly in a new battery and it wouldn’t arrive in STL until 8:20 pm. Our 8:17 connection to Johannesburg, South Africa was leaving without us…

Apparently all airport times are approximate, because the part arrived much later, had to be switched out, paperwork completed, and we didn’t take off until after 10:30. We arrive in ATL around 1:30 a.m.– no luggage and a long wait for a shuttle to our hotel.

Before I turn too negative, I have to say the Lord has reminded me OFTEN of my words from the “Winning the ‘What If’ Battle”.  He also spoke through the words of the devotional book, Jesus Calling–and the devotional dated that very day:

November 16

As you look at the day before you, you see a twisted, complicated path, with branches going off in all directions. You wonder how you can possibly find your way through that maze. Then you remember the One who is with you always, holding you by your right hand. You recall My promise to guide you with My counsel, and you begin to relax. As you look again at the path ahead, you notice that a peaceful fog has settled over it, obscuring your view. You can see only a few steps in front of you, so you turn your attention more fully to Me and begin to enjoy My Presence.The fog is a protection for you, calling you back into the present moment. Although I inhabit all of space and time, you can communicate with Me only here and now. Someday the fog will no longer be necessary, for you will have learned to keep your focus on Me and on the path just ahead of you.

Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.

—Psalm 73:23–24

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

—1 Corinthians 13:12

How could that be coincidence?  I know the truth in my head–and the Holy Spirit reminds me of the very words I typed and scripture I have quoted, but the truth is, sometimes it takes awhile for the truth to get from my head to my heart.

Humanly speaking, my first reaction is disappointment, frustration, and stress.  My second reaction was, “I need some alone time to process this…”, so I head to the only quiet place I can find in an airport…

The Great White Throne.

YEP, I’m talking about the ladies’ room.  The quietness I was seeking in the privacy of that stall was a silent, desperate act:  to seek the Lord seated high on His throne.  I needed His grace. And mercy. And wisdom. And peace.

He Is Faithful--1 Thessalonians 5

We are now booked on the only flight out per day–the same one as yesterday–at 8:17 p.m., and we are thankful.  When we arrived at the airport today, they didn’t have us on the flight, despite the fact that we had a printed confirmation in hand.  They assure us our luggage would be put on the flight, so we are trusting it will be so.  The disappointment of not being able to deliver all the “goodies” we are taking for our family would be hard to swallow.

If you are a friend or a follower, thank you for listening and please pray.  We have several obstacles still to overcome.  We have two more flights left after JoBurg, and they have to be rescheduled.  There isn’t another flight to Madagascar with this airline until Saturday, so we are re-booking on South African Airways.  Only Air Madagascar flies the last leg of our journey, so we’re praying for good graces in getting that flight on Thursday.

The cost is so much more than financial–it’s costing us precious time with our kids… As difficult as it all is, we continue to remain GRATEFUL that God has provided a way for us to even be able to take this trip at all.

I can’t help but write… it releases all of these thoughts onto a page and gives me great peace knowing that I’m not alone.  God is for us!

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