When Love... - Jewell Utt

    I’m preparing for a Bridal shower. It’s a last minute arrangement, amiss a busy week of writing commitments and social affairs. I was asked why  I’d agree to pile one more thing onto an already busy schedule. The answer flowed as easily as breath…”To bless the ones I love.” It made me ponder the complexity of love.

    When love demands, it feels like a challenge.
    When love denies, it feels like a discipline.
    When love hates, it feels like a burning.
    When love inspires, it feels like a treat.
    When love entrusts, it feels like a privilege.

                                                                Yet, love in its truest form is not a feeling.
    It is an Action.
    When I experience the action of love,
    When words, time, gifts, or service, touch me…
    I feel like I’m lifted up to Heaven.
                The gift of helping another person is often a sacrifice.
    When love is the key, it opens the heart. Inside there are no limits.

    “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”1 Peter 4:8

    Love overlooks imperfections. It doesn’t point out wrongs, mock, control or condescend.
    Love Heals, Helps, Hopes and Honors.

    An aside to my friend…
    But what about when love hurts? What if the hurt comes from within; from the brethren, the family?

    Keep in mind that mockers, scoffers, and criticizers are found in all areas of life. We are called to stand firm. Expect it. Reject it. Continue to do what God has called YOU to do, despite efforts to tear you down. Sometimes Satan uses people as a tool for his purposes. Don’t allow him the victory, by allowing them to break you down.

    “…Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…” 2 Chronicles 20:17

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