When Pro-Life Means More Than Pro-Birth

We’re coming up on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day set aside to celebrate life and raise awareness of our need to protect life—especially the lives of the unborn. Unfortunately, some think this is no longer necessary since Roe. V Wade—the landmark 1973 decision legalizing abortion—was overturned two years ago. But the issue was simply moved from being a federal matter to a state matter. Unfortunately, abortion is still legal and/or accessible in many states.
We still have a way to go, but abortion has taken a hit. Last year, it was estimated that 50,000 babies were born as a result of overturning Roe v. Wade. 50,000! That’s great.

Those on the other side of the issue see this as a problem. They saw the removal of Roe v. Wade as putting a grossly undue burden on the mothers who are forced to carry and even raise a child they didn’t want. What the pro-life side sees as a blessing, the pro-choice side sees as a burden.
That’s a terribly sad view of life. Sure, raising a child can be a burden for any parent, and it is a more of a challenge for some parents, but even among those who decide to keep their children, they discover a joy that comes with parenting.
It’s unfair to accuse those who are pro-life as merely being pro-birth. Among those who value life, there is a keen awareness that the work really kicks in once the child is born. And they’re doing more than expressing awareness; they’re getting involved.
For example, Embrace Grace supports single parents and women facing unplanned pregnancies. Chapters are set up locally to help navigate what’s involved in having a child and raising a child.
Another group worth noting is Her PLAN. Her Plan facilitates collaboration between assistance providers and their communities to empower women and families through medical, social, and material support. In an article for Christianity Today, Adam Macinnis talked with Anja Baker, coordinator for the Mississippi chapter. Her team works with 140 churches and organizations to offer support and help to mothers in need. Their goal is to be “the champion of hope and life, hospitality and generosity.”
My local community has organizations that offer hope and help, and I bet yours does too. These offer so much more than “talking someone out of an abortion.” It’s not easy work, but it is needed work. It is valuable work. And it is rewarding work.
- Is that child a burden or a blessing?
- Is that mother a burden or a blessing?
When we see people—the individuals themselves—as God sees them, we will embrace them as the unique masterpieces they are. Each person is a blessing. In turn, we can be a blessing to them as we love and help them in the name of Christ.
And in the process, we receive a blessing.
“A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water” (Prov. 11:25).
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