Why Pro-Life Is the Only Biblical Position
Pro-life is the only biblical position. Culture will say the unborn don’t matter, that abortion's ok, but God cared about us before birth.
Pro-life is the only biblical position. Culture will say the unborn don’t matter, that abortion's ok, but God cared about us before birth.
No adverse circumstance for one human being changes the nature and worth of another human being.
We’re coming up on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day set aside to celebrate life and raise awareness of our need to protect life—especially the lives of the unborn. Unfortunately, some think thi…
nothing opens doors for evangelism like need-meeting ministries, including prolife ones.
Who decides what is right from wrong, sin from righteousness? The Word of God or the law? When anyone decides to live a life of lawlessness; it breeds
It’s God’s will for us to fill the earth with our offspring. The sin of shedding innocent blood like abortion should be frowned upon through pro life verses.
These are tragic situations, but they are not the intentional killing of an innocent person who could otherwise survive.
The Gospel compels us to love those whom God loves, to speak up for them within our culture.
Federal law may have changed, but hearts remain hard towards unborn children and minds remain closed to truth. Sex is a creepy little idol in our culture. The average person has bought into the bel…
The last week has been filled with many interactions about Roe v. Wade. Countless times over the decades I’ve been asked, “Do you think Roe v. Wade will ever be overturned?” My answer always was, “Given the trajectory of our culture, I would have to say no, but one thing...
There’s a lot of talk today on abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court recently overturned Roe v. Wade. As a Christian, Pastor Greg Laurie believes the Bible’s teaching that life begins at conception, so he’s thankful for this! Each child has the right to life; God has a plan for them all that we shouldn’t interfere with.
The Supreme Court overruled Roe and Casey last week in the Dobbs case. It’s hard to overstate what a momentous decision this is for justice in American life. As I wrote on Saturday, “The legacy of Roe v. Wade, a legacy that led to 63 million babies being killed, is now over. In the last 50 years, an average of 3,500 babies were aborted every single day. Today that number is much smaller. The cover for the greatest genocide in history has been removed. There are babies alive right now who woul…
Will you join the chorus of saints who are crying out to Jesus to overturn every law that celebrates abortion as a God-given right? Will you share your story?
Now that the dust is starting to settle on the Supreme Court leak, it’s easier to see the major positions, players, and developments. It’s not an exaggeration to say this will be the most significant Supreme Court decision of the last generation, and the culmination of decades of work in the conservative legal movement. The fact that a draft majority opinion leaked out of the court is as astonishing as it is impactful on the process of deliberation. As Jonathan Turley and Gerry Baker discusse…
I do agree that people who point out injustice should seek to be part of the solution.
Legalized abortion has been a part of the American landscape for almost 50 years. The facts behind this are sobering. Since 1973, 62 million unborn babies have been killed, and abortion remains the…
“My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36b (NLT) This was…
Certainly we can and should pray for and work toward the day when abortion is illegal and ending an unborn child’s life is unthinkable.
As an abortion doctor at Planned Parenthood, Dr. Patti Giebink believed she was helping women.
When life already seems too much to bear, someone who comes alongside to support us can give us the strength and support that we need.