When You Need to Know that God is in Control

This week, I found myself looking up to heaven and asking God “how much longer?” I am hanging on for dear life and hoping for Him to show up and fix quite a few messy things, but I am not sure that is part of His plan. Honestly, I just want to scream. THIS IS NOT FAIR! THIS MAKES NO SENSE! I know in my head that God is in control of everything, but my heart is really hurting. [Insert scream of frustration here.]

Some days there is just not enough chocolate in the house to help me cope with all the chaos.  (So much for my new year’s resolution to eat more vegetables.). 

After a few days of feeling sorry for myself and whining more than I should have, I decided I needed to give myself a little pep talk. I picked up my Bible and stopped listening to my feelings. I just keep telling myself that I need to faith it until I feel it.  

Here is what I know: I am not God.  

God is better at being God than I will ever be. 

God is good.  

God loves me.  

God has not forgotten me.  

Even though I feel like everything is out of control, my God has the whole world including me in His mighty hands.  

How about you, friend? Are you questioning why God has allowed certain things to happen in your current life? Maybe like me you wish you could push the rewind button and edit a few of the darker details.

God sees you. He sees you are in a fight to keep your faith fueled and aflame in the middle of the hardest season of your life.  

Every day, you wake up and try hard not to listen to the voice of fear and doubt.  

Fear says God has forgotten you. Faith knows God is faithful.  

God is bigger than your bad stuff. 

Let’s say it together out loud until we believe it: God is bigger than my bad stuff.  

Whenever you feel like your faith is failing, take a deep breath and remind yourself of this truth:  

You can trust God is in control.

God’s purpose for us always prevails.  

Even when we are confused by our circumstances, we can trust that everything happens according to God’s plan. If God has allowed an event, He will ultimately use it for HIs glory. Your entire life has been laid out, and He orchestrates every moment. Your faithful Father will finish the work He has started in you.  

  • “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42:2, ESV)

God’s power is absolute and awesome beyond measure.

The sovereign authority over all of human history is our God. All creation obeys His will. Your God is in command of all that concerns you. No obstacle can overcome the Ominipotent One.

  • “Our God is in heaven. He does whatever He pleases.” (Psalm 115:3, NET)

God is actively involved and present in our every day events. 

Your Creator God is the controlling, cohesive force of this over every square inch of this universe. Nothing in your life escapes God’s notice. The Almighty has laid His hand on you and stands available to help you in times of trouble.

  • “For all things in heaven and on earth were created in Him—all things, whether visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions, whether principalities or powers—all things were created through Him and for Him. He himself is before all things and all things are held together in Him.

Need more help remembering God is in control? I’ve created a one-page printable with 10 Scriptures to help remind you. Grab a copy and spend the next 10 days focusing on how your God is able to help see you through anything. Every morning, you can sit at His feet and strengthen your walk as you remind yourself that nothing is too hard from your Almighty God. Sign up today as a member of the Wildfire Faith Community and  grab a copy in our Faith Fuel Library.

10 Bible Verses to Remind You God is in Control

Friend, your God has you and all that you love in His mighty hands. He is a loving and compassionate Father, and He delights in you. You can trust He will bring order and purpose out of any chaotic situation that you are currently experiencing.  

One glorious day, you will look back on the hardest season of your life and see His hand. He moves mountains and paints masterpieces in the messiest places.   

Your compassionate God is in control of all that concerns you.  

Let’s Chat: What is one step of faith you will take this week to remind yourself God is in control?

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  4 Surefire Ways to Ignite Your Faith




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