When you’re losing steam - Today Can Be Different

    There’s something different about you. You can sense it. Before when you faced obstacles, you’d give up. Now you stay and see the project or trial through – even though it feels as if you’ve been “waiting on God” forever.

    Is it because after years of lukewarm quiet times, you’ve become serious about growing in your relationship with your heavenly Father? 

    If this doesn’t describe you, and if reading these words makes you feel a kind of envy that bleeds into regret and wishful thinking, please keep reading.

    Psalm 1:3 (AMPC) tells us, 

    And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].

    Years ago, while meditating on this verse, I knew I wasn’t in a healthy spiritual place. I often withered when the battle got tough or when the waiting on God grew too long. The only part of my life that experienced any type of maturity was my aging body. (Sigh) 

    Something changed as I began praying this verse. I could almost see my future self becoming the kind of person Psalm 1:3 describes: a solidly planted Christian who isn’t easily distracted from whatever God calls her to do. One who doesn’t become discouraged or cop out when faced with uncomfortable or long, drawn-out trials. 

    The longer I prayed, the more my assurance grew. To this day, I continue to plant my roots, determined never to stray from God’s presence. I need His Spirit to teach, guide and recharge me. I depend on Him to mold and shape me so I can be ready to serve Him throughout my day, in all circumstances. 

    This includes: respecting my husband, Bert; blessing my boss and clients; serving my church and community; and representing the God I serve through my writing. 

    If you desire to grow sound roots that will produce a good outcome, dwell in (and rest on) God’s Word. His Holy Spirit will keep you strong and steadfast, even when you’re losing steam. As we yield ourselves to Him, our heavenly Father is able to prosper and mature our labor – including endeavors we’ve yet to experience exactly on time, in its season.

    What about you? 

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    • Are you losing steam while waiting on God to bring the work of your hands (and dreams) to fruition?

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