The Greatest Show: Is Your Faith Performance?
Do you care more about appearing faithful, gracious, and surrendered to Christ than actually walking in an authentic relationship with Jesus?
Do you care more about appearing faithful, gracious, and surrendered to Christ than actually walking in an authentic relationship with Jesus?
Shows like "House of David" and "The Chosen" do not completely stay true to Scripture? Let's talk about it.
Self-esteem is a fragile thing, especially when we don’t base it on what God’s Word says about us. In the past, I based my self-worth on what I did (or didn’t) accomplish or what others thought of me. My relentless need to be loved and accepted drove me to unhealthy relationships, which left emotional scars.
DALLAS -- Movie director Jon Erwin is someone who has great success over the years. From October Baby way back in 2011 to Jesus Revolution and back to I Can Only Imagine, the Birmingham, Alabama native has always had a knack for finding and telling stories that resonate with people...