Workmatters in Arkansas — iWork4Him

NW Arkansas was beautiful and the people we met all over town were so nice. This whole week we listened to interviews with people from everywhere in the organizational chart, but the very top.

You see NW Arkansas is really on the map because it is home to Walmart, Tyson Foods and JB Hunt Transportation. All three companies had founders that loved Jesus and treated their employees well. So well, that people flocked from all over the country to be a part of their culture. Today, the communities of Rogers, Fayetteville and Bentonville Arkansas all reflect this attitude. Three families loved on their people and their customers and it has transformed a section of our country…literally. This community is being blessed by the choices of thousands who let their faith shine in all they do.

What's happening in NW Arkansas can happen all over the country. Jesus followers can help transform all 19,384 incorporated communities in America through their actions and attitudes. It's happening in NW Arkansas and it can happen in your city, will you let it?

This week's interviews were brought to you in partnership with Workmatters.

Matthew 5:16 –

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

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