God is good, God is kind, God is trustworthy, God is dependable.

    Glory be His Holy name!

    If you have been following the blog for a while, you might have noticed I usually blog to mark my birthday apart for a few years where I didn’t make specific posts to mark my birthday but rather than reflected in other posts.

    Related Posts:

    Year 20

    Year 21

    Year 22

    Year 23

    Year 24

    Year 25

    Year 26

    Well, this year the enemy tried to convince me not to give God the glory but my God is too good. He reminded me that his faithfulness and goodness exists outside of my feelings and current situations. It was in a conversation and a testimony being shared by my mother that I was reminded of the victory that God performed 27 years ago. It’s so easy to get caught up in what we are still trusting God for that we forget what kind of God He is. What He has done and accomplished.

    For the fact that I am alive, my mother is alive, I am grateful to God. You know to go into a labor room and come out is indeed a huge testimony in itself. We can never forget that the fact we are alive, that you are reading this and can comprehend what you a reading is a miracle in itself. Our God is still in the business of performing miracles. Women are still going to that same labor room and coming out healthy and with their babies in their arms. God watches over us and he does not sleep neither does he slumber. If you know any woman that has gone through labor, you better do a little praise dance on their behalf and send a quick word of thanks to God. It is a huge miracle!

    I don’t know about you but this little girl that God delivered in that labor room 27 years ago will boldly and loudly shout his praises! God redeemed me, he continually redeems me. He saves me! He saves my soul daily out of the pit of darkness. He sanctifies me and ensures I am daily reminded of His love for me. He gives my life purpose and He has promised me that He will bring my life to an expected end in Him. He gives my life meaning. Not only did He save my life but He gave my life meaning by then bringing me into his family of believers. He called me a King and Priest, He called me beloved. I mean, who am I, and who is my family what you have made this our testimony?

    God I am grateful.

    Oh God, My Help Since Ages Past

    Looking back over my childhood years, the hand of God has always been over my life. Through the primary school years in Nigeria, to the remaining primary school years in London, to my secondary school years and those teenage years spent in London. To my young adults years in Edmonton, Alberta. This God has been too kind to me. Grace has been multiplied unto me. He has been my Ebenezer, my help since ages past. Showing up for me even when I did not or would not acknowledge His presence and His hand in my life and over my life. God has always been so patient, so kind and so loving with me. Thank you Jesus.

    I prayed for community and God gave it to me in abundance. True, genuine, patient, loving friendships that have blossomed into a community and family.

    Through situations where I have felt hopeless God has shown up and met me in that pit of despair and poured out his love on me.

    When I have disappointed and hurt by people, in the same manner God used people to heal those wounds and reminded me that He is my everlasting love and the true lover of my soul.

    I have lacked nothing. God has been my JIREH.
    He remains my all in all.

    I want to spend a day not thinking about what I don’t have yet but rather focus on thanking God for what He has done for me and what He continues to do.

    Where would I be without His hand over my life, guiding and directing me?

    What would have become of my life? When my own strength failed me miserably, yet He was still gentle and loving and kind with me, reminding me that He is the strength of my life.

    I may see things clearly now but I can trust and receive the peace that comes from entrusting my life fully into his hands.


    See guys, it’s not that it’s so easy for me to write this in fact I started this post with something else in mind. But this is what happens when you submit yourselves to the Holy Spirit. He is in control of my fingers as I type and in control of my mind as I think. He causes me to think deeply and see His goodness throughout my life. If you are still in the fence and trying to decide if you’d like to try this Christian thing, please I would recommend you try the Jesus thing first! Jesus is the every essence of our faith as Christians. It’s not just a religion and following decrees, it’s about a relationship that is laced in grace. It’s about fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It’s about submitting your life and decisions to his leading. It’s not that life will be easy, words will flow easily or that your heart will always flutter. But it’s an immovable trust in the fact that He has our best interest at heart. He wants us to prosper even as our soul prospers. It’s a freedom to know that you’re not alone even if you feel like you are alone. When nobody else gets it, Jesus always gets it. He’s not an inanimate being that we pray to. He is present and with us. He sees us and He hears us, as El Roi, He is ALWAYS present.

    If you are reading this and would like to take part in the Word of Our Testimony Project by sharing your experience and story please complete the form.

    The bible says we overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our Testimony. The blood has already been confirmed but we must daily confess the word of our Testimony. It is a great reminder for the writer to sit back, think and meditate on God’s goodness and a great inspiration to the reader to be reminded that our God is STILL in the business of performing wonders and miracles.

    I pray that we all learn to enjoy and seek His presence all the days of our life. To my Lord and Master, I am eternally grateful for Year 27, wherever the journey leads I trust you, I love. Please continue to strengthen my faith in you and help my unbelief in the ways I’m falling short. You are the source of my life, my joy, my glory and the lifter of my head.

    The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands. PSALM 138:8 (NKJV)

    The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. PSALM 138:8 (ESV)

    The LORD will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me. PSALM 138:8 (NLT)

    LORD, Your name alone be magnified and glorified,

    yours lovingly, totally, completely and fully

    Toluwabori Morenike


    Mo 🙂

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