Your Business is Your Ministry: How God can FREE You and Impact the World through Your Business

The Gospel message tells us that we have freedom in Christ and the Great Commission tells us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations.

So what does this have to do with your business?

Your business is run by YOU. And you - a Christian business owner - have a new identity in Christ as a loved and redeemed co-heir. That means that you are a child of God, and can trust Him with your future (hint: also includes your business). It also means that you can impact your world and advance His Kingdom through your business. Your business doesn’t have to be ministry related for you to use your business as a ministry to a world that desperately needs God. Think of businesses like Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-a that have made their Gospel-centeredness known to the world. Your business, no matter what you do or sell, can do the same.

What Limits Your Potential?

A lack of understanding about our identity in Christ is a huge reason why so many do not live up to our potential. In business and in life. When we fully know, understand and accept our identity in Him and believe what His Word says about us, we’re better able to step into the purpose He created us, especially in our business. 

When we believe lies about ourselves that we’ve been told by others (or even ourselves), we prevent ourselves from living into God’s will for us. We believe lies that we’ve learned from our parents, our experiences, and the enemy. When we believe that we aren’t good enough or that we can’t do what God has called us to, we limit ourselves.

How God Used the Pandemic to Push Me in My Business

Just before Covid-19 hit last year, I had done a lot of work for a big launch for my business. I had taken new branding photos and put together a new course to share with others. When Covid hit, I was initially disappointed because all of the work I had done seemed to be for nothing.

After my initial disappointment, I discovered that this was exactly what I needed. I had a lot more growing to do, and in the year that followed, I delved even deeper into my faith and felt called to pivot my business to a Christ-centered one.

God used my business to develop me in certain areas that I needed. He helped me develop my faith and surrender my business to Him. I gained the understanding that what I had was a gift to be stewarded to God’s purposes. By partnering with Him in my business, I developed a Spirit-led business that was in alignment with God’s will for my life.  And one that is making an impact on moms, one at a time.

God does that. He typically uses the desires of our hearts to draw us closer to Him. He prunes us and grows us where we need to grow so that we’re able to receive and manage the things He gives us. God wants to help us to steward our resources and our businesses.

This crisis forced me to really examine my mindset around wealth, money, and the ways that God provides for me. That is a major reason why I have pivoted my business and am passionate about helping other mompreneurs understand these things so they can honor God with their businesses. When women lead businesses with Kingdom principles, they provide for their families and make an impact for God’s Kingdom.

Our Call to be Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

I truly believe that God is calling on purpose-driven entrepreneurs in this generation who have a desire and a calling to business. We are called to break free of the lies we’ve believed. God wants us to rise up to our God-given purpose to build wealth by doing business God’s way. As we build businesses, we’re called to do things that will create a lasting legacy of glorifying God in and outside of our homes.

In order to do that, we need to step into our identities in Christ while seeking Him first.

My mission as a Christ-centered and Spirit-led business and life coach is to encourage, educate, and equip moms to do the following: 

  1. Activate your purpose. I truly believe we are all called to create and birth the dreams in our hearts - because they are placed there for a purpose. By learning your purpose, you’ll be equipped to step fully into your identity as a Kingdom-driven mompreneur. This is God’s call for you, and you should embrace it fully.
  2. Build a kingdom-driven blessed business that glorifies God. By creating a business that is aligned with your unique personality, passion, power (strengths) and purpose, your business can serve you and your family while also serving God first and foremost. I strongly believe that your business is for your good as well as the good of others. Glorifying God can help you take care of your family, your employees, your customers and your community well.
  3. Cultivate a happy home. Your home should be a place where joy-filled memories are made. Most importantly, your home should reflect your faith in God. I am especially passionate about teaching moms how to CULTIVATE a happy home that you and your loved ones enjoy being in and most importantly, where God is reflected.

My hope is that I can help equip moms to live with intention and purpose. I want to teach you how to lead yourself, your home, and your business well so that you can impact lives (starting with the ones closest to you, in your home) and leave a legacy that lasts for generations. 


'For you have been called to live in freedom. Use your freedom to serve one another in love' - Galatians 5:13

We are called by God to live lives of freedom, not just for our benefit but to serve and benefit others. Jesus died for our freedom! 

Now, more than ever, our businesses can help us live into and share that freedom. We can use our God-given talents, gifts, passions, and experiences to build a business that can minister to others where they are. Our businesses can provide solutions to their pain points.

I’m sure a lot of us have felt that call and tug in our hearts to build a new or additional business. Unfortunately, we often let fear and doubt stop us.

But what if we believed in our identity in Christ? 

What if we chose to have faith instead of fear? 

What if we took steps toward fulfilling our calling in purpose, trusting that He who gives us the vision will surely give us the provision to see it through? 

Our business can be a place of growth for us as we draw even closer to God by allowing Him to reign in all areas of our lives.

I’ve created a Facebook group for mompreneurs seeking to build and grow Kingdom-driven businesses. If you’re ready to answer the call and step into the fullness of everything He has for you, I would LOVE to help.  Join the Facebook group here.

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