
10 Stories
  • I am His Pen

    Her pen is her sword where light leaves its imprint with every letter she writes; creating words and sentences to convey the deepening of her emotions.It is challenging for her to speak her vulnerability, and yet in writing, she knows no bounds, she never hesitates… she is free. Each word...

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    Man is a shadow of a dream,free bird of nothingnessA dance of the stars, a celestial design.Embracing winds that never die.Life's secret, a spark in the eye of a child,In the bloom of a flower, in the flight of a doveIn the quiet spaces between breaths,Where the universe whispers its...

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    Why must I lose everything I own?Why must I lose all I have lovedAll that I desire, all that I've known?Time is Relentless, dauntless.Like a fleeting moment, like a speck of dustIn a quick heartbeat, in a fleeting breathLoss descends like darknessLike the deep calm of death.but love Declares a...