Divorce Recovery Resources


If you are in the aftermath of a divorce, you might feel as if you have no compass to guide you through this brand new territory. That was certainly true for me. I read a ton of books trying to understand what happened in my marriage – even wondering at times if I did wrong by divorcing. I wanted to connect more deeply with God. I struggled with forgiveness. I wondered where I fit in the Christian community, and I was anxious about what the future held for me. Would I ever find love again … one that would last and not hurt me?
You may be having similar questions. I pray you’ll find some helpful answers in this list of 50 resources I’ve curated for you. Topics include Anxiety after Divorce, What the Bible Says About Divorce, Forgiveness, Personal Divorce & Faith Stories, Meditations and Encouragement after Divorce, Divorce Recovery, Divorce Financial Advice, Dating Again, Being Single, and Self Care.
For short reads on these topics, I’ve included links to some of my own blog posts. 


Blessings on your healing journey,

P.S. ​Your comments are welcome on this blog.

Linda M. Kurth is a writer and a divorced and remarried Christian. In going through the divorce, she experienced a dichotomy of responses from the Christian community. After sharing some of those experiences in her upcoming memoir, God, the Devil, and Divorce, she's heard many stories of divorced Christians who have struggled with the same issues. This blog invites divorced Christians to tell their stories with the goal of encouraging churches to resist condemnation and become a source of healing and grace.

​Do you have a divorce experience to share? Have you been shamed by a church because of your divorce?  Or encouraged? There are hurting people who would like to hear your story, who need to know they are not alone, and who need to be encouraged. If you are interested in sharing your story, email Linda for guidelines: Linda@LindaMKurth.com

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