A note of warning – Attempts at Honesty

I read in Proverbs:

for the devious person is an abomination to the Lord, but the upright are in his confidence.

Proverbs 3:32, ESV

When churches experience division in the leadership, I have observed that one significant cause is one or more parties practicing backroom politicking to push their agenda forward.

This is a behavior that should have no place in the church. If there is division in the leadership over a particular issue, they should pray and examine what Scripture says about the issue. They should not move forward until the Holy Spirit brings unity on the issue.

But alas, the church is not immune to hiring devious people. Ordination vows have been broken, sometimes by well-meaning, but misguided leaders. Other times those vows have been broken by those who intentionally undermine the structure within which they vowed to operate.

Men may think that they have gotten away with it, but God says otherwise.

Men may seem to be getting away with it, but the writer of Proverbs warns us that such deception does not go unnoticed by God.

Deception is, and always be, an abomination to The LORD.

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