2 Common Traits Of Believers In A Hopeless World - Raising Zion

traits of believers

What are the two common traits of believers?

1. Preaching the cross of Christ to the lost
2. Testifying the goodness of God

“Every donkey can preach” said someone. It’s true. As believers we need to be the donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem.

Paul reminds Timothy to be ready and available for bringing the word of God to the world around him.

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. (2 Timothy 4:2)

Our lives become a testimony when we progress in our spiritual life by faith. Preaching is normal. Not a special gift.

How do these traits of believers manifest in them?

When our eyes open to the living word of God, we become citizens of heaven. Our conversation is of heaven be it politics, health, food, clothing, shelter, police protection, guns, etc. they are all heavenly, not of the earth. Are you preaching the gospel of heaven, or your own what you see on earth?

“When the Spirit of the Lord moves within my heart I will sing like David sang.” A believer anointed by the Holy Spirit preaches the love of God revealed on the cross of Calvary humbly to all. The love of God is a love for all mankind. It’s natural for a believer to tell everyone about what God did through Jesus for the world.

When we walk in obedience, the company we keep impacts us and it’s impossible to not testify the glorious presence of the loving Father, the grace of Jesus Christ and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

A believer examines themselves and grows by the evident change in their own lives. The power of the gospel transforms our lives which further powers our hearts to bring the truth to the world around us.

May God help us to do these two things daily. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!

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