30 Days of Prayer: Pray to Rightfully Divide the Word of Truth (Day 5) - Be Whole, Mom

30 Days of Prayer - Pray to Rightfully Divide the Word of Truth (Day 5)

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Would you be able to identify a false prophet if you met one?  What about a wolf in sheep’s clothing?  If not, then welcome to the club.  This is day 5 of the 30 Days of Prayer series, and I am thrilled you are here.

SO many of us have been duped and harmed by others who do not properly divide the Word of God in its total completion, but rather isolate specific pieces over others as preferential.

I have surely been through my fair share of such heresy, and believed much of it in confusion and trust.  But, the Lord was apt to remove that which was destructive for my soul and has since helped me to wade through the muck of the liar to cleanse the lies from the Truth.

The purification process can surely take some time.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” ~ 2 Tim. 2: 15

Around 8-9 years ago we were connected with a local church that met in a home.  I was a big fan of home churches, as I had felt drawn to them for some time, and the Lord saw fit to connect us with this one.  We began attending and experienced a lot of truly amazing and precious things.

This church, of the Foursquare denomination, functioned heavily in the spiritual gifts, but not in a fanatical, crazed kind of way.  There was no chaos in the Body, but rather great order and discernment.  It was an incredibly intense time of spiritual awakening for me.

Many times while we were at that church I felt impressed to intercede for both my family and others in the church, and even believe I had a few demonic attacks during that time (more on that another time).  I met some amazingly wonderful women of the Word who love God more than anything and who taught me great things about practicing my gifts and using them for the glory of God.

I will always be grateful for those women in my life.

Be cautious of whose voice you let access your heart.

One woman in particular, though, was a question mark to me.  I never quite “got her.”  I always had a feeling about her, but couldn’t quite place it because I had not yet grown in my understanding of my gifts to the spirits to effectively and accurately identify what I was sensing.

There were several occasions though, that she spoke into both my and my husband’s life prophetically, and I have come to understand that her words were a false prophecy from a Jezebel spirit (there is SO much more I could say on this, but if you are unfamiliar with this spirit here is a link to help you get started).

I remember one day at a holiday event I was having a particularly joyful time!  I was laughing, playful, delighting in fellowship, and just having a really good time.  I felt great and around such a wonderful group.  During the course of that night, she pulled me aside and said something along the lines of “why are you acting like this?  God has so much more for you!  This isn’t who you are.  You’re pretending to be something you’re not.

I know this may not seem like a lot, but this woman was the pastor’s wife!  Her word mattered to me, and these words sent me into a deep spiral of self-adjustment that eroded my spirit and ate away at my being for at least the next five years…until the Lord saw fit to uproot the weed and begin to restore what the locusts had stolen.

Satan Comes to Steal, Kill, and Destroy

When this all happened I was all of 25 years old, MAYBE.  I was still very new to the faith, and even though I read my bible regularly and studied, there was still so much I did not know; and the spiritual battle raging all the time was surely one of those areas of blindness for me.

I was unclear on the things of the Spirit and still unclear on the pulse of the Word.  I could not accurately divide the Word, and as such I was easily led astray and tossed around.  I was an infant, and the babies are always the first prey the predators seek to devour.

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.” ~ Eph. 4: 14

I wish I could say that these same kinds of people do not still exist, but they SURELY do.  This is why it is so imperative that we 1) know the Word, 2) can use the Word like a sword, 3) know how to speak in Love, and 4) leave the results up to God.

We do not war against the flesh…

Sweet sister, we are at war, even if we don’t realize it, which is why we are moving spiritually through this 30 Day Prayer Series.

I have worried and pondered for so long while trying to plan out Be Whole, Mom.  I have begged for clarity on how to meet you with the deepest needs to partner and restore the emptiness and weariness that coincides with modern motherhood.

But, the Lord has shown me, and I agree, that the only thing that is needed is to truly focus on Him and His Word, and “all these things shall be given to you,” (Luke 12: 31).

Our Abba knows what you need, but all that is needed from us is to focus on and center ourselves on Him.  Before we can truly truly help others around us, we must first draw from His Living Well.

Our Abba offers an abundant source for all our needs.

Let’s Pray

Abba, Father.  I come to You today for protection, restoration, and Your continued blessings and favor.  I ask for Your help to uproot any confused or false doctrine that has been planted into my heart and mind.  I ask for You to help build up my spiritual walls effectively from the enemy so that I am not such easy prey.

Guide me while I dig into Your Word and begin to plant its seeds into my heart.  Protect me from the lies of the enemy and keep me safe from harm.

If there is one thing I know it is that God loves to answer the prayers for wisdom and understanding that His children ask of Him.  I am confident that He will help you navigate confusion as you hold tightly to the Word as Truth.


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