About the Holy Bible: What you need to know - Christian Personal Development
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Some information you need to know about the Holy Bible. I found this precious information about the Bible and I believe you will find it useful.
Related: Word of God is powerful
About the Holy Bible
This is the most important and most read book in the world. This is also the oldest book among the ones we have read and will read during our whole existence.
I am speaking about the HOLY BIBLE, namely the collection of 73 books written in the Middle East before and after the birth of Christ. I thought to review the Holy Bible several times, but because of other engagements I postponed this other task.
Review of the Holy Bible
The review of the Holy Bible was not assigned to me by the Church of the Vatican, but only by my awareness that I consider like a God’s gift and hence, this review it is like I was assigned by God.
It is common opinion that the Holy Bible is a powerful religious and inspirational book because it is believed it was written by some men or rather prophets on behalf of God. This means that the Holy Bible is a book inspired by God.
Bible is the most controversial book in the world
Many atheists don’t believe that the Holy Bible was written by the finger of God, but they can’t deny the Bible is the most controversial and feared book in the world. Controversial because the language and the meaning of the Bible words always don’t match with the real meaning given by its human authors.
Being a Spirit, God could only lead clever and inspired men to write this important book. The Holy Bible is also the best selling book of all time. Every year, it is estimated that over 5 billion copies are sold.
Classification of the Holy Bible
The main classification of the Holy Bible is in the Jewish and Christian Bible. Another important classification depends on the kind of books it contains.
Under the epoch in which they were written, the Holy Bible is divided into Old and New Testament. The Old Testament includes Jewish and Christian books before the birth of Christ, while the New Testament includes only Christian books after the birth of Christ. The original books of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew, with some chapters in Aramaic, while the books of the New Testament were written in Greek.
First 5 books of the Bible
According to the Jewish tradition, 24 books of the Old Testament written in Hebrew are divided in the Torah (teaching), Nevim (prophets) and Ketuvim (writing). The most read books about the Creation of the Universe and of the chosen people are called “ Pentateuch”, namely the first five books of the Bible.
They are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Everybody knows about the history of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the universal flood, Noah’s Ark, the history of Moses and the rules arisen by these stories and known like THE TEN COMMANDMENTS .
Old Testament books of the Bible
The Old Testament is a compelling book because it tells the history of the ancient world, by using a metaphoric narrative that captures, dazes, upsets the cleverest readers. The poetic books such as the Psalms and Canticle of Canticles marks the highest level of inspirational poetry.
The Book of Proverbs and the “Wisdom Books” teach to face the human life and overcome troubles and unhappiness, by leading us to discover the real meaning about life and death and the eternal life.
New Testament books of the Bible
The New Testament books are likewise compelling and full of meaningful because create a clear separation between the old Jewish law and the new one taught by the alternative and strong personality of Jesus Christ.
I bet that among people who bought the Holy Bible, only few managed to read it wholly.
Translation of the Holy Bible
It is also true that over centuries, the Holy Bible was translated and translated more and more again and with different interpretation based on the translated language and the religion which used this book.
The Catholic Bible is, for instance, fully different from the Bible of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the latter lacks of some wisdom books and in the New Testament even paragraphs and punctuation are different.
This example proves that a book can always be manipulated by men. Despite all this, the HOLY BIBLE remains and will ever be the most important book of our life.
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