The Be Attitudes of the Christian Walk ~ Be Forgiven

    “My guilt overwhelms me—it is a burden too heavy to bear”. Psalm 38 Many of us carry the weight of our past sins, believing we must bear the burden alone. But God’s forgiveness is available to all who ask for it, offering freedom from guilt and a fresh start. Ephesians 1:7  reminds us that, He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.”  And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.”  Hebrews 10:18 This is the power of God’s grace and mercy, giving us the opportunity to be healed from guilt and live in the freedom Christ offers. 

    In the classic tale, Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian is weighed down by the burden of guilt. He can’t seem to find relief from the plaguing weight he is carrying. He goes on a journey to find freedom from the guilt but is constantly distracted and mislead. He is told where to go and what to do to unload his burden, but he takes the long road to get there. 

    For a long time, Christian didn’t know the heavy burden he was dragging along was guilt. He may have  believed since the sins that created the guilt were his, he must bear the burden of guilt alone. His guilt made him unproductive, physically weak, and less than effective in life. 

    Christian read a book that told him about his sins. But somehow, he missed the part about the forgiveness of sin and the sacrifice that had been made once and for all. He carried the weight of his guilt far longer than was necessary.

    How often, even as believers who know our sins are forgiven, do we carry the weight of guild on our backs. Like Christian, we think we need to pay the price for our folly or earn God’s forgiveness. 

    It is like a classic plot line in Hallmark movies; We will not accept charity. We don’t deserve it. I can take care of my problem myself. I got myself into this trouble, I will get myself out of it. 

    As the old hymn says, “Oh, what needless pain we bear…”

    Christian finally is relieved of the weight when he reaches the Celestial City and places his knapsack at the foot of the cross. But why did he have to carry the burden for so long? Was he not willing to part with it? Was he wallowing in self-condemnation? Did he think carrying his burden around would somehow make him more righteous or serve as a reminder to not do that particular sin again?

    I can’t pretend to get into the mind of Jon Bunyan and know exactly what his character’s, Christian, intentions or thought were. But I can tell you I probably could answer yes to many of the above questions for myself.

    I imagine Jon Bunyan read Psalm 38 in preparation for writing the epic odyssey. He journeyed with David as he relived the guilt for his sin and sought forgiveness and redemption from the only one who could provide it.  

    Friends, we do not have to carry a knapsack full of guilt around with us. We can lay our burden at the foot of the cross and NEVER pick it up again. We are told that our Father has removed our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. And the east never meets the west! 

    Scripture tells us that He forgives ALL our sins (Psalm 103) and to forget the past and fix our eyes on what lies ahead, and that is Heaven! 

    “ No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13

    If you struggle with guilt, I encourage you to believe that the God who created the universe, the one who gave His only son to die for our sin, has the power to forgive. We must let Him pry our fingers loose from that proverbial knapsack we carry and let Him relieve us of our burdens. 

    Let’s lay down our knapsacks of guilt at the foot of the cross. We don’t need to carry our mistakes any longer. God has forgiven all our sins, and we are set free by His grace and mercy. 

    We do not need to strive to be forgiven, we only need to ask and receive His forgiveness.

    Amazing Love – I am forgiven, because you were forsaken…because you died and rose again. (click the link for an encouraging reminder of His forgiveness)

    Reflection Questions:

    1. Is there an incident or sin in your past that encroaches on your peace? 
    2. Are you ready to accept God’s forgiveness and walk in the freedom He offers? 
    3. Can you forgive yourself, knowing that God has already forgiven you? 
    4. How can you use this as a path to forgiving others? 


    Heavenly Father,

    Please help me, once and for all, release the burden of guilt and receive the gift of forgiveness. Please show me the way and help me to walk in it the freedom You offer through Christ 

    In Your Precious Name, Amen

    For further reading:

    Psalm 38

    Ephesians 1

    Hebrews 10

    Next Week: The Be Attitudes of the Christian Walk ~ Be Forgiving

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    My name is Keri Willis. I am a semi-retired educator. I spent a great deal of my career working with adults with developmental disabilities and many years in elementary education, in the classroom and as an administrator. My main ministry now is coordinating the women’s ministry for our church in San Diego, CA. I have been married thirty-four years and have two grown and married children. I now have a head of full grey hair and good ideas. I believe we are created to use our gifts and to be creative. That comes in many forms for me. I love to woodwork and use power tools, design, decorate, garden, and create new recipes. And I love to write. One major lesson I have learned in my writing journey is that I need to be still and listen to hear God’s voice before I am prepared to put into words the message he has instilled in my heart. This has been much easier since I am no longer working full time, but it is so easy to get distracted and not listen, which almost always ends with an empty page in the form of writer’s block. While I have written many articles for newsletters and local newspapers, I did not consider myself a writer until I self-published my first book, Teapots and Power Tools. The idea emerged as I was working on a project in my garage. I had worship music playing, power tools out and saw dust flying. I glanced up and saw my delicate teapot sitting on my router table. The message was clear. Sometimes we are using the power tools God gives us and sometimes he just wants us to be still and have tea with him. The book became the foundation for a women’s retreat, and then my amazing niece helped me work through publishing it on Create Space (now KDP). At least five other projects are in different stages of production. I joined hope*writers to help motivate me and keep me focused and accountable. I am still trying to figure out the whole website and blog thing. That is my next goal for myself; that and finish writing at least one of my projects! Teapots and Power Tools: Effectively using the tools God has equipped you with, while taking time to “Be Still and Know That He is God”


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      Keri Willis

      Keri has always loved Jesus but realized at the early age of five that she wanted to give her heart to Him and spend her life serving Him. She is married to her magnificent husband of almost 40 years, Harold. They live in San Diego with their lively Weimaraner, Belle and serve in leadership at their church home. They have two happily married adult children and one granddaughter. Keri is graduate of Liberty University and has a master’s in education from San Diego State University. She has worked in various areas of education and ministry with a special place in her heart for individuals with special needs. She enjoys teaching God’s children of all ages. She loves all things outdoors. Her favorite “office” is her backyard where many ideas for women’s retreats, speaking engagements, blog posts, and books have been born. You can find more of her writing at and all four of her books on Amazon, by going to Amazon and typing in Keri Lynn Willis.