Awaken the Spirit Within You - A Nighttime Prayer

“That is why it is said: ‘Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’” -- Ephesians 5:14

Please Pray:

God, thank You for giving us all we need to actively do ministry every day through the power of Your Holy Spirit within us. Help us each day to awaken Your Spirit inside as we pray, worship, praise, and read Your Word. Make bible verses come alive, revealing new understandings, and giving us the courage to teach others about them. Empower us to be Your Light in this dark world, to actively seek to grow Your Kingdom. We love You, Jesus. Amen.


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    Kristen Terrette

    With a background in early childhood education and a Master’s in Theology, Kristen served as a children’s ministry director and women’s leader for many years before returning to her first love—writing the stories playing out in her head. She dove into the publishing world eleven years ago writing numerous articles and devotionals for ministries like Crosswalk, iBelieve, and Wholly Loved, as well as having five novels traditionally published in the Romance and Young Adult genres. After managing an international ministry’s blog and a Christian publishing house’s social media, she found herself as an intern at the esteemed literary agency, Writers House, in the summer of 2022. This landed her a job with Martin Literary Management where she now takes on author clients of her own. Stories are her thing and authors are her people. When not on her computer writing, editing, emailing, or with her nose in a book, you can find her getting a little too loud from the sidelines of a kids’ basketball game. She’s also a recent transplant to rural Georgia where she thrives on jogging her forty acres terribly, drinking coffee while birdwatching, and daydreaming of new book characters, plotlines, and making her client’s dreams come true (which are her dreams as well). You can check her out at:

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