By: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Memorise: “For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder” (Ps 107:16)

Read: Genesis 24:7-9

Fire is one element that attracts attention yet keeps the attracted at a distance. It gives light, heat and serves several uses. Without fire in any of its forms – literal, gaseous, electrical or mechanized, human existence will face the risk of extinction. Just as fire is indispensable to the physical world, so also is the Pentecostal fire indispensable to the Body of Christ.

Psalms 107:16 WEB - For he has broken the gates of brass, And cut

Unfortunately, the church does not take this spiritual fire as important as the world takes the literal fire. It is my prayer that the fire of the Holy Spirit will fall afresh on you this season and make you what God wants you to be in Jesus’ Name.

Good and bad things fall. Whenever you are expecting something to fall in your direction, it is important to know where it is coming from. If you do not know the direction a blessing is coming from, you can turn your back on it and miss it. Generally speaking, there are three directions from which things could fall; the front, the back, and from above.

Certain forces ahead of you can constitute barriers to your desired breakthrough. These may be future challenges ahead of you and therefore unknown to you. Whatever the challenges that lay in the path to your destiny, the Lord will roast them by fire before you get there in Jesus’ Name.

While in Egypt, two barriers stood between Israel and their promised land. The first was an unending slavery. This was a bondage that had been there for over 400 years and there was no hope of its termination. This was a major barricade preventing them from leaving Egypt. By the power of God, they broke through. What has been the barricade in your way?

In the Name of Jesus, you will break through. The second formidable barricade was the walls of Jericho. They met this after they set out for the land of promise. When they consulted God and followed His battle strategy, the wall fell like a pack of cards (Jos 6:1-20). Has the enemy gone ahead to introduce certain barricades on your path? Fear not. God is the barrier breaker. He was there before the enemies designed the problems. He will destroy every future barrier. He will break every barrier ahead of your family. You need not worry.

This season, the Lord will go ahead of you. His Spirit will move to destroy whatever the enemies have planned on your path. God’s angel went ahead of Abraham’s servant and broke the barriers meant to hinder a wife for Isaac. God’s angel will go with you this season.

Father, let every barrier in my life be broken today.

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