Big Announcement: I Signed a Book Deal!


I have some exciting news!

For almost the whole of last year, I have been buried in research. (Don't worry, that's not the exciting part. Wait for it.)

I've been reading progressive and liberal books, listening to lectures and podcasts, and generally trying to immerse myself in the progressive world. I believe God has called me to write a book that will provide a biblical response to this rapidly-growing and influential movement within the church.

My original plan was to take as long as possible (procrastinate much?) and dive way deep into the progressive pool and to eventually (maybe someone else will do it first and I'll be off the hook?) write a book that will be easy to read and understand for the average Christian. My plans to wait were foiled a few months ago, when my review of the book, Girl, Wash Your Face went viral. Because of how far this post reached, I suddenly found myself (here comes the exciting part) working with a  wonderful literary agent and signing a contract with Tyndale House!

I've told a bit of my testimony hereand the book will dive deeper into that journey, addressing key theological points along the way that I believe the progressive church has gotten wrong. I pray it will call the church back to the legacy of love and truth that Jesus called us to preach to all nations.  

Who is this book for?  

  • You know that feeling when you're scrolling through Facebook and you read a blog post that you know is off—but you can't quite articulate why? This book is for you
  • Do you feel confused by what seems like a loving and inclusive message coming from progressive Christians? This book is for you
  • Are you a Christian who is concerned about the progressive movement and want a concise resource to help you identify and respond to its claims and practices (plus have a handy guide to give to your less-concerned friends)? This book is for you

My prayer and goal for this book comes from Jude 1:3:  "To contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints."

I'll be slowing down a bit on the blog, but will shoot for 2 podcasts per month while I take the better part of this year to write the book. I appreciate your prayers!

Way to go, Alisa! You are in good company while writing this book… Remember all the prophets – they had to call out the church when it went off the path. I believe your called to be one of those voices! I pray that God gives you inspiration while writing.


1/22/2019 10:29:05 am

Stay encouraged Alisa! This is needed.

Anthony Barber

1/22/2019 02:14:34 pm

Lovely, can't wait for it to come out!

Tom Wood

1/22/2019 11:33:52 pm

I love the way you address issues Alisa. Your book is needed. What I would like to see is research done on involvement with broken people and reaching out to them in love and forgiveness. I suspect that a lot of evangelicals( I am one) and progressives are good at talking and writing but poor on living the committed Christian life in the ‘forest of living’. If what we believe does not push us into involvement with the broken then we are on about words and thoughts and no matter who espouses these thoughts it remains a lot of ‘hot air’.

Kim Thorpe

1/22/2019 09:18:02 am

So happy to hear this! I can’t wait! I’ve been seeing this movement for several years and can’t wait to read all your insights. Thank you so much for doing this and I will be getting a copy for my 19 year old too!


Congrats Alisa! Looking forward to reading it!


1/22/2019 10:03:59 am

This is so awesome. I can't wait to read it your insights.

Lisa Wayne

1/22/2019 10:03:59 am

Yay God! So thrilled for you and excited for all the Christian women who will benefit from ur upcoming book. It’s such and important and needed topic!!

Sheryl Pellatiro

1/22/2019 10:10:06 am

This is GREAT news, Alisa. I've done a lot of teaching on the dangers of the Progressive movement. Even a lot of the Christian publishing companies are heading in that direction. I'm so happy to hear about this book. Can't wait til it comes out.

I've been waiting for this announcement! I started studying apologetics last fall and had never heard of progressive Christianity until I discovered your podcast.

I'm covering you with prayer, my sister in Christ.

Congratulations on the book deal. I wish you well as you write.

This is great news! Look forward to reading it.

Brenda Browning

1/22/2019 10:12:49 am

Alisa, Thank you for heeding the call to write this much needed book. I am excited about reading it!!


1/22/2019 10:13:39 am

Yes I think this is very interesting – but i am not sure how you define 'progressive.'does it mean mean 'anything that is not traditional' but of course there is a great deal of error in all kinds of traditional churches and teachings too. So what is your definition?

Mindy White

1/22/2019 10:13:43 am

Congratulations! That’s amazing! I can’t wait to read it. I have so enjoyed your blogs and podcasts. I will be praying for you as you take on this task for clarity and direction. Way to go!!!!

Way to go, Alisa! And you have my prayers and best wishes. Your goals are truly admirable, and I look forward to your book in print.

I'm so glad! Your blog posts on progressive Christianity are always on point and shed light on an often untouched corner of our world. Because of your articles I was able to share concerns when a friend asked me if I'd heard of the passion translation, and when a blogger quoted Rachel Hollis I knew who she was taking about and why I disagreed with her. Without taking the time to read every book in the Christian non-fiction section of Barnes & Noble I wouldn't always know who I could trust and who I shouldn't, so I'm grateful for all the research you've already shared. And now I have your book to look forward to!

Patricia Hallam

1/22/2019 10:16:34 am

Your writing skills are obvious to those of us who enjoy reading your blogs. Your literary agent is spot on to see that you are gong to be a widely read and popular author. Prayers for Gods direction.


1/22/2019 10:18:27 am

Congrats Alisa! This is such great news!! I'll be first in line to buy your book. It is so NEEDED right now!

Andy Bradshaw

1/22/2019 10:19:19 am

Congratulations! We will be looking forward to reading the book.


1/22/2019 10:21:33 am

Well done on signing the book deal. I can't wait to see the finished product and share it with some of my friends who attend such churches

Greg Foster

1/22/2019 10:25:05 am

This is exciting news indeed! Congratulations on this calling! I will be praying for you as you craft what I am confident will be an important and valuable resource for everyday Christians.

Ivan Nekrasov

1/22/2019 10:27:34 am

Congratulations! Can't wait to read it!

Tara Anderson

1/22/2019 10:28:10 am

I cannot wait! You have been given such a beautiful gift of sharing the truth in a meaningful, intentional way. Praying for you as you proceed and do some battle with the devil, no doubt!


1/22/2019 10:29:31 am

Let us know when we can pre-order your book.

Jay Williams

1/22/2019 10:36:01 am

Looking forward to reading what the Lord gives you.
An opportunity to preorder would be welcomed!
God bless you!

Sheri Magehee

1/22/2019 10:43:49 am

We so excited for you dear friend. This is so needed!!! We will be praying as you tackle the work of enemy himself(untruth) with the infallible word of God (truth). Praying for you and the family along the way. We love you all dearly, we know you will do an amazing job. Can’t wait!


1/22/2019 11:11:01 pm

Not only Christians are becoming progressive, but Hebrews /Jewish, also, especially Reformed Synagogues / Temples.

I'm so, so excited Alisa!

This is a book that is SO needed and I know it can't wait. Thank you for taking the plunge and writing this sooner rather than later.

I can't wait to read it!


1/22/2019 11:01:48 am

I appreciate heart for speaking truth. I look forward to reading your book and applying it in sharing God's truth with those around me.

Jimmy Upton

1/22/2019 11:32:14 am

Way to go Elisa, I enjoy reading your truths so go for it and may God bless you

Ann Shepard Jalsa

1/22/2019 11:03:45 am

I thank God for people like you that are helping the rest of us lose our fear of speaking out. If we don't stand early we will falter in the end. We must stand with love, winsomeness, gentleness AND God's truth which always redeems, convicts, and heals in the end.
Please listen to Justin Holkes last sermon, Love Warns for an example of this. It's powerful and full of grace. God corrects those sons and daughters that He loves. Father, we pray in 2019 that we would increase in the gift of discernment, and a fiery love that would brook no idols. How we love You Jesus, our Lord and King.

Lisa G

1/22/2019 11:12:26 am

Congratulations! I look forward to reading it. Praying for God’s wisdom and guidance.

You know, from our previous conversations, that I believe you are at the doorstep to a whole new world of ministry. This book may be the impetus that propels this new adventure. I can't wait to read my autographed copy!

I AM SO EXCITED TO READ THIS BOOK!!!! My story is somewhat similar to Alisa's… just a few years behind. I am just now starting to be challenged in my faith and unable to intellectually defend it as well as I'd like. I've been diving in to this blog, the Bible, and a few other resources for about a month now, and I'm SO excited to get my hands on this book. It could not be released fast enough!

Although the Lord treats everyone according to heart and actions, there is a big difference between including "anything goes" (theme of summer of 1968) and excluding everyone who doesn't go / believe everything you do, and /or including everyone into your "religious group." Observation and judgment tell alot. (My quote) : "The entire Bible / Torah is about 'Listen, Believe, (Pray, in love), and Do" (or avoid what displeases the Creator). ** For my "special needs" son, I simplified it to "Listen, Believe, and Do," (as I was teaching him a prayer at the time).
— "Listen to a message, Believe a message, (Pray before acting), and Do or avoid something. Everywhere is talked about being judged by God or Jesus / Yeshua for thoughts, clothes, words, and actions (some sources include Oral and written Torah, Deuterocanonical books, and specifically : Psalms, Proverbs, Romans, Matthew, Luke, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Thessalonians, and Revelation, to name a few).

Caitlyn Martin

1/22/2019 01:11:54 pm


This book couldn’t come at a more perfect time such as this. My husband and I have a very close family member raising their family in the “Progressive culture”. Honestly, we have been at a loss. Thank you for following God’s leading and pursuing this book. Prayers.



1/22/2019 01:21:51 pm

This is such good news! Thank you so much for writing a book. I can't wait to get it.


We're well aware that the Body needs teachers desperately in these very last moments of time. A good teacher will instruct his/her students without it being realized on the part of the students. That is, the student will not so much find it 'work' to learn, but a pleasure.

I pray that your book will inculcate the readers with a zeal for the truth, pointing them to the Scriptures, and that the latent abilities they possess to discern the times by the examples you draw for them will no longer be latent, but manifest- and that God will endue you with all that you need to facilitate this, Amen.

Cinnamon Wolfe

1/22/2019 02:56:41 pm

Very excited to hear this! We need more books like this! Praying for you as you begin to put this together!


1/22/2019 03:11:05 pm

Thanx for the review. I don't live in the states and sometimes get a bit behind on this stuff. I'm so sorry for the grievous errors in this book, many will read it and drink it right down without evaluating it. Nothing in it appears to be new.

Donna D.

1/22/2019 04:39:04 pm

I’m so glad I found your blog and have been reading your info for past month. I’m struggling with few members in my church who I think can be considered ‘progressive’ Christians. It’s difficult to have the right words or comments to say to them when engaged in conversation regarding scripture. I quietly ‘scream’ to myself when I hear them disregard the truth of scripture. I could go on and on describing my frustration. Anyway, so glad to hear about your book — we NEED it! I thank God He has blessed you with this.

Holly Starr

1/22/2019 08:03:45 pm

Can’t wait to read! Thanks for all you do, Alissa!

Bryan Beeman

1/22/2019 11:42:16 pm

I'm working on my master's degree in apologetics at Biola, and naturally interested in all things about defending the faith. I was especially impressed with your clear logic in your podcast answers to Peter Enns.

Congratulations on your book deal!

Kimberly Zasso

1/23/2019 12:08:31 am

Thank you, Alisa! Looking forward to reading your much needed book. I have experienced the loving, inclusive and very deceptive message coming from the progressive church first hand. May God bless you as you study and write, speaking the truth in love especially to a generation of young people who desperately need this book.

I’m writing your name in my prayer journal right now. God BLESS your work, and fortify His saints through your diligence.

For the King,


1/23/2019 08:28:07 am

Praying for you while you are on this journey. So excited to read it and pass it along. Love your boldness and your strong faith. Keep speaking truth, sister!!


1/23/2019 09:26:15 am

I'm beyond excited for this!! Your post about Girl Wash Your Face was when I found you. Then I realized you were a former Zoe Girl and I loved you even more (Haha. But seriously). I love that you're someone who speaks TRUTH and not FEELINGS. I can't wait to buy your book! Praying for you along this journey!

Barbara DeJesus

1/23/2019 05:00:55 pm

I have just found you and am so excited to hear about your book. I am a 65 yr old woman who is concerned for these precious younger ladies and want them to be able to discern, really discern truth.
Thank you for all your doing.

Audrey Wagner

1/24/2019 11:34:33 am

I'm looking so forward to reading your book, Alisa! My prayers will be with you. By the way, you might really enjoy a great resource; a book I just finished by Ronald Nash called Word of God and the Mind of Man. It challenges the major forms of Christian agnosticism that have become so popular and adopted by the progressive movement. It's a great resource! I was thinking of your book project when I read it over Christmas break.


1/24/2019 01:40:31 pm

Yay! I'm so excited! Can't wait to read it!

AWESOME, Alisa! You are a fantastic writer and committed to TRUTH. A great combo. Can't wait to read your book!

Jess Jones

2/11/2019 05:33:25 pm

I'm not much of a reader, but I know for sure I will be reading this book. Can't wait!

Brenda Browning

6/5/2019 09:27:10 am

Alisa, do you have a publishing date for your new book? The one in response to Girl, Go Wash Your Face.

Anthony Barber

1/12/2020 02:45:27 pm

You go girl! Can't wait!


2/10/2020 10:30:25 am

I'm so glad I found your blog and I look forward to your book. I have felt so discouraged and confused by my current Christian friends that seem to change God's truth to fit the culture mess we have created. Thank you for seeking truth and staying to course no matter the change in our culture.

Garisanne Anderson

3/16/2020 01:43:27 am

Alisa Im thrilled you are writing a book on this topic as I know you will address issues in the progressive Christian community with love and respect.
My story and heart is very close to your story and how you started down the progressive path.
Id be so interested in knowing the why behind ppl going down that path. Here are some reasons why my friends, and pastors in my opinion have itchy ears for PC.
1. Compassionate hearts that cant stand thinking not all ppl will be going to heaven. Jesus as man, not God of the OT. Angry God.
2. Raised not to question so now they feel liberated and deconstructed their belief system.
3. Have adult children who are living in sin and hard for them to face their childs' sins and being rejected not only by the chuch but by God, that PC fits the bill.
4. Love their own sin
5. They feel freedom after always having to feel they needed "to get it right". Im asssuming that to be the who and why of God?
6. And here where im seeing a huge trend with the women in the church, they want to stay "relevant". They want to read the latest "amazing" author, listen to the motivating speaker and how she thinks she can be a cool mom, wife and friend. They want to be motivated, not modeled into the likeness of Christ.
And lastly, Buddhism/Hinduism has crept into the everyday life of so many believers. And it starts with PC. Many PC authors, theologians, pastors sit down with Buddhist monks to establish what they have in common. Not differences, but in common…
A big force is coming out of Canada, the Meeting House. Bruxy.

I'll be praying for you Alisa. We need people like you becuase Love Warns! And you serve God, not man. I love that about you. You are a true inspiration and please know there are so many who are praying for you and admire your courage. Blessings!

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