Book Drawing! “Sacred Scars” by Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Book Drawing! “Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past is Not Wasted” by Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Dr. Bengtson says, “Your ragged and torn past may be the key to God’s future for you!”

That’s why I’m so excited to feature Dr. Bengtson’s fabulous book in a drawing. You might win her book! Drawing ends evening of July 14, 2024. Keep reading for more details.

Michelle writes, “We all endure trials, pain, and hardship in this life. Too often we believe these experiences disqualify us from being useful to God. But the truth is, your past pain and brokenness serve as preparation for what God wants to do in and through you—if you will surrender to and trust him.

In Sacred Scars, neuropsychologist and fellow sufferer Dr. Michelle Bengtson helps you

  • understand suffering from a biblical perspective
  • discover how the trials of your life serve a purpose
  • reflect on the healing that God has accomplished
  • comfort others with the comfort God has given you

Just as Jesus’s scars didn’t disappear after his resurrection, our emotional or physical scars tell our story and lend credence to our testimony of God’s love and power. If you are ready to turn your past pain into present comfort and future hope, let Dr. Bengtson be your compassionate guide.

Doesn’t her book sound fabulous? And it is. I have personally seen God use my own sins as sacred scars that He has used for His glory. Your scars may be physical, emotional, spiritually, or mental. It doesn’t matter, God says He is powerful enough to use them. That’s why Sacred Scars is being used by God in great ways. Here is an excerpt from Dr. Bengtson’s book.

Your Scars Are Valuable for God’s Use

by Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Pain. If we aren’t experiencing physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual pain now, either we recently have, we likely soon will, or we are walking alongside someone in the trenches who wonders if they will survive. For many, this world is a treacherous place, and pain and sorrow seem daily on the horizon. There is no escaping the pain of this life until God calls us home, but there is hope in the waiting. There are lessons to be gleaned from the wilderness. There are promises we’ve been given as a lifeline when no one else can offer assurances.

Friend, I don’t know what variety of pain you’re walking through or have recently survived, but I want you to know you’re not alone and God doesn’t waste our pain. Time and distance may make sharing over coffee together an impossibility, but you’re in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my prayers as I type these words. I want you to know you will get through this, of that I’m certain. How can I be so certain, you ask? Have you not so far survived every single difficult circumstance in your life one hundred percent of the time? You have. You’re here now. Those trials may not have turned out exactly as you’d hoped, and you may have made a few mistakes along the way. We’re all flawed, and that’s okay. You may have the bumps, bruises, and scars in the form of loss, grief, shame, guilt, or regret to show for the battles you fought, but that means you SURVIVED!

If we were sitting together, watching the cows graze next door, me with my coffee in hand and you with your beverage of choice, I’d hope that you would share about your battle wounds and scars.

Each one tells an important story and helps create the narrative of who you are. And each one is sacred. God doesn’t treat your scars lightly. Nor does he ignore their impact on your life. He doesn’t just use your scars as a tool. God shapes your scars and shapes you in the process. You are braver, stronger, more tenacious, more resilient, and more beautiful for them.

Your scars are valuable, as are the stories they tell. Your scars may not be physical scars that can be seen by the eye but may be emotional scars, relationship scars, grief-born scars, or even spiritual scars—scars that can be perceived and understood only through the wisdom and experience of a fellow sufferer.

And some scars may be known only by God. Friend, I don’t know the pain you’ve endured or the scars you now carry, but I have found that, much like soldiers on the front lines of war, we can endure much more when we know we aren’t in the muck alone.

When we’re in a painful battle, we wonder, Will I make it through this? How will this change my life? and Is there purpose in my pain? Loneliness often accompanies the crucible of pain, and we long to know we aren’t alone in our suffering and that someone else understands. It’s then that reading the stories of others who have walked similar paths has the potential to most encourage our hearts. And once we’ve come through the furnace of suffering, we can share our stories with others who feel the way we once did. Sometimes our stories encourage others to stay the course. Many times, stories inform and give hard-earned wisdom to someone just a few rungs down on the ladder of their own journey. Often, they inspire us to reach beyond what we thought we were capable of. Occasionally, they redirect the course of our future. But they always serve a purpose and impact us if we’ll let them, because God never wastes our pain.

Thank you, Michelle for writing this book and making a copy available for the winner of the random drawing. The drawing ends Sunday evening, July 14, 2024. Only US addresses can win.

Enter by commenting on the blog post.

Dr. Michelle Bengtson is a hope concierge! Her passion is to share hope and encouragement with others, whether as a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, host of the award-winning podcast Your Hope Filled Perspective, or the author of several award-winning books including Hope Prevails, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip, and The Hem of His Garment. Her newest release is Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past is Not Wasted. She loves all things teal, spending time with friends and family, taking long walks, or sitting by quiet shores, and it’s a bonus when any of those are accompanied by sea salt caramel chocolate! You can find her and her hope-filled resources at

Links for connecting with Michelle and buying her book::




Twitter: (@DrMBengtson)





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Kathy Collard Miller

Kathy Collard Miller is an award-winning, bestselling author of over 60 books including "Anger Management—Jesus Style" and "No More Anger: Hope for an Out-of-Control Mom". She writes Christian Living books, women’s Bible studies and Bible commentaries. She blogs and writes articles on trusting God more, God’s sovereignty, marriage, parenting, and knowing God in truth. Along with being interviewed on The 700 Club, Kathy has been featured on hundreds of podcasts, radio and television programs. Kathy has spoken in over 30 US states and 9 foreign countries at women’s retreats, writing conferences, MOPS, and marriage seminars. She often writes and speaks with her husband, Larry who she married in 1970. They have two children and two grandchildren, and live in Boise, Idaho. Kathy is a founding member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and is active in various writers groups like IdaHope Christian Writers and Christian women’s ministries like NEWIM (Network of Evangelical Women In Ministry). Connect with her at: Facebook: Twitter: @KathyCMiller Pinterest/Kathyspeak Instagram: @kathycollardmiller Amazon author page:

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