Cheater: "Maybe God wants me to sacrifice my marriage like Isaac?" - Divorce Minister

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And he [God] said, “Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.”

-Genesis 22:2, KJV

“Maybe God is asking me to sacrifice my marriage like He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?”

-Abandoning Cheater

Did your cheater try to wrap their treachery in godly-sounding words? Was the blow delivered in such a way that they hid behind a concept of God so that you would not object to their cruelty?

This particular mind-blender is a nasty one:

“Maybe God is asking me to sacrifice my marriage like He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?”

-Abandoning Cheater

Since divorcing a spouse for no biblical reason (and certainly, committing adultery) is a sin, then the cheater is trying to convince the faithful spouse that God might ask them to sin. Crazy right?!

Besides, this example is a rather grandiose one:

Does the cheater really think he or she is on the same level as Abraham?!

This sort of thinking is a classic example of misapplying Scripture. It is proof-texting.

Yes, God sometimes asks us to give up something precious to us…

A cheater saying things like this has lost the ability to hear and discern the voice of the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd never says such things. If the cheater really knew the Lord, she or he would know this as well.

The cheater is deceived.

A faithful spouse need not follow along with such a deception. The simple but powerful truth that this is not the voice of God sheds light on this darkness. 

What comes out of the cheater’s mouth might sound like a godly reason but it really is just a demonic one.

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