Creative Tuesday - Flowers May Fade - Growing Through God's Word

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Creative Tuesday – Flowers May Fade

I really am not a fan of painting flowers. However, in the last while I have painted 2. But I thought I should do a fresh one for this challenge.

The challenge this week is FLOWER.

For this exercise I painted one taken from a bouquet that was given to me. In two weeks  Michael has given a challenge to paint a bouquet, so I thought it easier to paint the single flower (actually 2 flowers and 2 buds), then attempt the bouquet the next week.

Here are the two paintings I had all ready done.

This is called – IRIS (I know that’s very original)


And this is called FLOWER – (really original)


But today is the first time I painted from an actual flower that I held in my hand.

Here is the final outcome.

Isaiah 40:8
Isaiah 40:8

I couldn’t paint a flower without thinking about the world that God has created. As I held the flower and looked closely at its tiny petals, its intricate variegated edges, and how delicate it felt – I was in awe.

The bouquet I was given lasted over 2 weeks in a vase. I learned a secret from the “Flower Lady” – put ice in the vase every day. It works!

The grass withers, and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever (Isaiah 40:8, NIVUK)

As I watch this flower fade – these words strike a strong note in my heart. Once again, His Word is what remains for all of us.

Thanks to Michael at Creative Tuesdays. He has now moved to a new blog. You can look at other artwork from Creative Tuesdays.

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