Day 6 Devotional: Fasting to Gain Perspective — Daniel Fast Journey

    Day 6: Fasting to Gain Perspective

    If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods nor worship the golden statue that you have set up. (Daniel 3:17-18)

    When you’re fasting, it’s the perfect time to seek God for a new perspective. When the Pharisees confronted Jesus about why His disciples did not fast (like their disciples and John’s did) He told them that His disciples didn’t need to fast while the bridegroom was still with them, but when He was gone, then they would fast.

    Jesus further elaborates, “Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.” (See Matthew 9:14-17)

    Fasting refreshes, renews, and revitalizes our lives. So as we fast, we need a fresh perspective which is a “new wineskin” to hold the vision and plans for what God has next for us.

    As we pause, prepare, and wait while fasting, God is able to reshape our perspective in the process.

    Today we move into Daniel chapter 3, which contains the famous story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the fiery furnace. Although we face misunderstanding, trials, and possibly some form of persecution, we must admit that few of us will have to literally put our lives on the line for our faith.

    These three young men had to make the difficult decision to defy human authority, refuse idolatry, and risk death. Instead of bowing down to an idol and avoiding the death sentence, they chose to trust God. They knew that God could miraculously save them from this furnace, but here is the great perspective shift:

    “But even if He does not…”

    Wow. Are you willing to be obedient to God and take that step of faith even if there is no reward? If the consequence will be ridicule? Even death?

    I believe their experience with requesting the ten-day test in chapter one prepared them for this moment. They knew from experience that when they remained faithful to God, He would protect and provide for them, even if they faced opposition.

    I doubt we would be willing to take a step like this if we’re viewing the situation through the lens of the world’s perspective and values (such as “you do you”, “take care of number one”, “play it safe”, etc).

    If we pray and seek God’s perspective above our own, then we won’t cave in or demand the easy way out.

    Fasting provides an opportunity to reset our perspective and strengthen our faith so that when challenging situations come, our relationship with God is on another level and we’re committed to pursue the greater, heavenly reward.

    Your Journey

    Are you only willing to sacrifice and obey if you get the rewards and results you want? What does it look like to obey God no matter what?

    Song: I Surrender by Hillsong (YouTube)

    Daniel 3:16-18

    Matthew 9:14-17

    Colossians 3:2

    You can utilize the Daniel Fast Journey book (available on Amazon) for more information about the Daniel Fast along with a 21-day meal plan and recipes.

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