Divorce rate in Christian marriages - Christian Personal Development

Best selling christian romance film

  • ·March 9, 2024

Best-selling Christian romance novel, The Prostitute, becomes a movie! What happens when a morally upright man decides to get married to a long-term notorious prostitute? Watch movie today or click poster to watch

Best selling christian romance film


Divorce rate in Christian marriages is increasing on a regular basis. I believe we should be concerned about this negative trend as Christians, Christian ministries and Christian marriage counselors.

Watch The Prostitute movie today to see how a young man helped his marriage and home to crush bitterness and unforgiveness. Watch it below:

Divorce rate in Christian marriages: Why we should be worried

The following are the reasons why we should be worried for the increase rate of divorce in Christian marriages.

  • God wants us to raise godly seeds. How do homes and marriages raise godly children when they are not living together?
  • Children of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. How do we raise good leaders of tomorrow when homes and families are not living together to train them?
  • Our society is filled with lots of dangers and juvenile delinquencies. Divorced couples can’t help children because they are not living together.
  • Homes, families and marriages are supposed to be strong agents of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can they preach the message of the gospel when they are in disarray?

We make the devil and his cohorts smile when Christian couples choose the route of divorce at every slightest provocation and quarrel.

High pressure in Christian marriages

I am just concerned by the high rate of divorce among Christian marriages these days.

For those who are not divorced, they live as strangers among each other. Too much pressures in the home among Christian couples. Though they live together but they are complete strangers to each other.

Over the years I have observed that the major factors for disharmony and disunity among Christian couples are bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred.

Love in marriages and homes

I watched this interesting new gospel film that shows the true love God demonstrates to sinners. If this type of love can exist among couples, then their homes and marriages will be heaven on earth.

How did this man navigate the troubled waters that tried to swallow his home and marriage when he decided to get married to a notorious Prostitute? Watch this exciting new movie today

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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