Do not condemn sinners

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Do not condemn sinners

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Matthew 1 vs 6

 And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias;

Matthew 1:6 WEB 4K Wallpaper - Jesse became the father of David the king.  David

  1. Mathew 1 narrates the earthly ancestry of Jesus.
  2. The ancestry was from Abraham to Jacob (Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and the mother of Jesus).
  3. In verse 6, the Bible writers paused and reminded us that David, one of the ancestors of Jesus, was the father of Solomon, whose mother was Uriah’s wife.
  4. The Bible reminded us in this verse that one of Jesus’ ancestors (in the person of David) was a wife snatcher. David snatched Uriah’s wife
  5. The Bible reminded us in the verse that Solomon (Jesus’s ancestor) was born out of wedlock and an adulterous relationship.
  6. The Bible reminded us in this verse that David (Jesus’ ancestor) murdered Solomon’s stepfather to take his wife.
  7. In summary, Jesus was a descendant of an adulterous relationship.

What are the lessons?

  1. Do not be quiet to condemn and judge that brother or sister that backslid into sin or indulged in sexual sin.
  2. Do not condemn or judge that sister or brother that committed adultery or premarital sex.
  3. God can still use anyone that repents. Christ came to save sinners.


  • I am delivered from the judgemental spirit in Jesus’ name.
  • I refuse to condemn myself in Jesus’ name.


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