Experiencing God’s Presence

“But if from there
you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your
heart and with all your soul.”
(Deuteronomy 4:29)

Can we experience the presence of Almighty God on a daily
basis?  I believe Scripture is clear that   Each one of us has experienced a ministry
connection where the presence of God was obvious.  As we sat in a hospital room
or talked to a homeless person on a park bench, we felt God with us as we
talked.  Those times are very special, and they give you the courage and wisdom
to speak to life’s many situations.

we can.

When He promised to be with us, He knew we would have
many discouraging or challenging times that would require strength much greater
than what we could gather on our own.  For those expected times He promised His

Do you expect the presence of God when you are serving
Him?  Sometimes we try to go out on our own strength, and we don’t really expect
God to meet us there.  But it’s in those times when we least expect Him that He
shows up and blesses us with His strength and power.

Here are some tips for experiencing a relationship with
God in your daily life:

1) Don’t get into a rut with spiritual disciplines; just
spend time with God. It isn’t Bible reading, fasting, or even prayer that is
your object—it is God. Seek him.

2) Think about everything you do in relation to God, as
if he were standing right next to you.  God is everywhere present, and he is
with you right now. Be aware of that.

3) Immediately drive from your mind any thought that
doesn’t bring you closer to God.  This is far more important—and more
difficult—than any other discipline.  Be aware of yourself
in relation to God.

4) Talk to God frequently—in fact, constantly—throughout
the day.

5) When you spend focused time in prayer, don’t talk too
much.  You’re not trying to hear your voice but God’s.

6) Don’t be in a hurry or worried about anything; have
confidence that God is directing your steps right now.

7) Confess your sin to God immediately; he’s not
surprised by it, and you shouldn’t be either.  Let it go and move on.

8) Welcome inconveniences and even suffering because God
uses these experiences to rid you of selfishness and draw you closer to him.

“Draw near to God
and He will draw near to you…”
(James 4:8a)

What helps you experience God’s presence in
daily life?

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