Exploring Religious Moralism in modern times
An image of Jesus and the adulterous woman, (Photo by Arabs for Christ/Free Bible Images.org)
Have you ever felt that if we religiously attend church or give to the needy, we are made right with God? We also even think that these good deeds qualify us to gain a seat in eternal life. We may be guilty of religious moralism.
In the Bible, John 8 presents a fascinating ethical dilemma. The Pharisees, adhering to a strict moral code, brought a woman accused of transgressing the Old Testament Law before Jesus. While their assessment of her actions is accurate, their approach lacks the transformative element of grace, a cornerstone of genuine ethical consideration.
Jesus, in contrast, exemplifies the power of grace. He transcends mere adherence to rules, uttering the transformative words, "Neither do I condemn you" (John 8:11). This statement extends forgiveness and the possibility of personal growth and renewal.
Moreover, Jesus subtly challenges the self-righteousness of the Pharisees. He reminds them of the universality of human fallibility, urging them to acknowledge their own potential for transgression (verse 7). This shift in focus dismantles their moral absolutism and fosters introspection. It reminds them that ethical conduct extends beyond judgment to understanding and the potential for individual transformation.
This encounter transcends the realm of legalistic enforcement. It underscores the fundamental truth that authentic ethical conduct necessitates compassion, empathy, and the potential for personal growth.
Religious Moralism: When good intentions go awry
Moral can refer to living ethically, distinct from religion. However, "moralism" takes on two meanings:
1. Positive: Upholding personal ethics without religion.
2. Negative: Excessive morality, bordering on puritanism or self-righteousness.
Religious moralism overemphasizes good deeds over genuine faith, resembling legalism, which follows strict rules for salvation. Unlike legalism, however, moralists create rules, leading to self-deception and believing that good works earn heaven.
Christian moralists often focus on specific commands like the Sermon on the Mount, neglecting grace and reducing the Bible to a rulebook. They believe their good deeds entitle them to heaven, overlooking the need for faith and God's gift of salvation. True morality stems from a genuine relationship with God, not self-serving righteousness.
In pursuit of the Gospel
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."
While virtuous actions remain admirable expressions of one's values, they have no bearing on attaining eternal life. Human efforts, inherently imperfect, cannot bridge the gap to divine salvation. Conversely, grace represents God's unmerited favor, a gift bestowed through Jesus' sacrifice. This emphasis dismantles pride and self-righteousness, ensuring all glory is attributed to God and fostering a sense of equality, offering hope even to those who have faltered.
Faith, then, acts as the conduit that opens the door to this gift. It signifies trust and surrender to God's grace, recognizing that salvation is not an achievement but a divine act of love. While good works often flow from a transformed heart filled with gratitude, they remain secondary expressions of faith, not prerequisites.
Jesus' actions in the Bible resonate across time, reminding us to move beyond judgment and embrace the transformative power of grace. This notion fosters a more compassionate and humane society.