Free from Shame and Guilt

Free From Shame and Guilt

Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Genesis 3:7 NIV

Usually, whenever I realize I’ve done something wrong, I get this extreme sense of shame and guilt. And I feel as if God is mad at me. I can almost picture Him wagging His finger at me and saying, “Bad, bad girl.” But God is not like that.

As a matter of fact, God placed inside of us a conscience that denounces our wrongdoings and commends our good deeds. When we realize our misdeeds, something inside us nudges us to do the right thing.

Before their sin, Adam and Eve were innocent and felt no shame about their nakedness.

Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

(Genesis 2:25 NIV)

However, after realizing what they’ve done, they try to cover their guilt with fig leaves. Their innocence was gone. Their transgression separated them from God.

I’ve tried to cover up my transgressions by blaming someone else or running away. But when my conscience kicks in, I realize I must do the right thing. God isn’t saying, “Bad, bad girl,” but, “Come back to me.”

To God, I acknowledge what I’ve done, ask for forgiveness, and immediately feel a sense of relief. I realize there is no more guilt, no more shame, and no more condemnation.

Jesus’ free gift of salvation justifies us (removes condemnation), so we are no longer in Adam, but in Christ. (Romans 8:1). We are now free from shame and guilt.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up for the prompt Realize.

Photo by Joshua Abner from Pexels


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